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Bug#964725: texlive-latex-recommended: Package xparse (required for example via mdframed) gives Undefined control sequence

>> An article I was working on started to throw me lots and lots of errors and not
>> generating any PDF when passed to `pdflatex` after the last upgrade of Texlive.
> https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/550158/undefined-control-sequence-in-expl3
> says that it could be caused by a local format file sitting below
> ~/.texmf . Could you check?

Indeed I did

    rm -rf ~/.texlive20*

and the problem's gone!  Thanks a lot!

This said, while I now have a solution for my own, I don't think
I should have to do that, so it'd be important to make sure this gets
fixed automatically (e.g. by using a fresh new ~/.texlive<foo> rather
than reusing one that may contain stale data, or by detecting the stale
data and removing it on-the-fly).


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