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Bug#532815: latex-beamer: Please include the "beamerthemeprogressbar"

On 12.06.09 00:20, Alexander Reichle-Schmehl wrote:

Hi Alexander,

> There's a nice theme for Latex beamer.  Main advantage of that theme is, that
> it has a progress bar showing how far your progressed in your talk.
> It's available from
> http://www.cert.fr/dcsd/THESES/sbouveret/francais/LaTeX.html and licensend
> under the terms of the GPL-2.  I think it would be worth to be added in Debian,
> but don't think it warrants a package for itself, since it's archive is just
> 5kb.  So, maybe you could add it to the latex-beamer main package?
The old URL is dead, I guess it is now [1]. I didn't find the package on
CTAN. Please tell the author he should upload to CTAN, so it will make
its way into TeX Live.


[1] https://github.com/cedricmauclair/beamer-progressbar
#206401 http://counter.li.org

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