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Bug#170477: xmlto: unable to generate a dvi or ps file from a DocBook document


Thanks for your message.

I've stopped using xmlto a long time ago.

I's be happy to help reproduce this issue and fix it, should it still exists, but I do not personnaly needs it fixed.


Jean-Philippe Guérard

Le 8 juillet 2019 22:07:09 GMT+01:00, "Hilmar Preuße" <hille42@web.de> a écrit :
On 24.11.02 01:40, Jean-Philippe Guérard wrote:


Looks very similar to #310148. Do you still follow the work flow? Should
I try to figure, which piece of software is the root cause and
eventually report this bug to upstream?


This error is occuring when I try to compile a document written in
DocBook XML. I was able to reproduce this with the Sample XML DocBook
document provided by the Linux Documentation Project :


To compile this document, I use :

$ xmlto ps Sample-HOWTO.xml

I then get the following error.
! LaTeX Error: Something's wrong--perhaps a missing \item.

See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation.
Type H <return> for immediate help.

l.5 ...er.optimum="1em" space-after.maximum="2em">
<fo:block xmlns:fo="http:/...

! Emergency stop.

l.5 ...er.optimum="1em" space-after.maximum="2em">
<fo:block xmlns:fo="http:/...

No pages of output.
Exactly the same thing happens when I try to generate a dvi file.

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