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Bug#575469: texlive-base: dvips fails to include font characters used in eps figure created by PyX

Hi Hilmar,

Wow, this is an old one of mine. I just tried to reproduce it, too, and found 
the same result as you. It seems that whatever the problem was, it has 
been sorted out at some point in the last 9 years.

(Interestingly, my test case does exhibit some kind of figure positioning 
bug in Okular when viewing the DVI file. The "Hello, world!" is about a 
centimeter too far left...)

Anyway, this bug can be closed.


On Sunday, August 4, 2019 4:47:58 AM EDT Hilmar Preuße wrote:
> Am 26.03.2010 um 04:15 teilte Brendon Higgins mit:
> Hi,
> I'm going through some old bugs and checking them for validity.
> https://bugs.debian.org/575469
> I run your minimal example and could not reproduce your problem. 
> you confirm that the issue has been solved?
> Hilmar
> > The ghost of bug #266718 seems to be haunting me. I can't reproduce 
> > using the examples given in that original bug, but I am getting 
> > that sounds basically identical if I generate EPS figures using PyX. The
> > figures themselves look fine, but when I generate PS files using dvips
> > they come out with missing glyphs.
> > 
> > A minimum working example
> > #########################
> > fig.py:
> > from pyx import *
> > c = canvas.canvas()
> > c.text(0, 0, "Hello, world!")
> > c.writeEPSfile("fig.eps")
> > 
> > test.tex:
> > \documentclass{article}
> > \usepackage{graphicx}
> > \begin{document}
> > Word.
> > \includegraphics{fig.eps}
> > Another word.
> > \end{document}
> > 
> > Run (python fig.py; latex test.tex; dvips test.dvi). When I do this the
> > result is missing several glyphs from "Hello, world!" I could guess that
> > dvips is failing to determine that fig.eps uses any glyphs, but I'm just
> > uneducatedly speculating.
> > 
> > I've discovered that can avoid the problem (not sure how this works) by
> > using PyX to output as a PDF rather than EPS, then running pdf2eps. 
> > doesn't seem to have a problem with that, then. That might suggest it 
> > something to do with the format of EPS PyX produces. (I don't know if
> > this suggests this is a PyX bug, though, as viewers such as Okular,
> > Evince, and even GIMP display the file just fine.)

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