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Bug#575469: texlive-base: dvips fails to include font characters used in eps figure created by PyX

Am 26.03.2010 um 04:15 teilte Brendon Higgins mit:


I'm going through some old bugs and checking them for validity.


I run your minimal example and could not reproduce your problem. Could
you confirm that the issue has been solved?


> The ghost of bug #266718 seems to be haunting me. I can't reproduce it using
> the examples given in that original bug, but I am getting behaviour that sounds
> basically identical if I generate EPS figures using PyX. The figures
> themselves look fine, but when I generate PS files using dvips they come out
> with missing glyphs.
> A minimum working example
> #########################
> fig.py:
> from pyx import *
> c = canvas.canvas()
> c.text(0, 0, "Hello, world!")
> c.writeEPSfile("fig.eps")
> test.tex:
> \documentclass{article}
> \usepackage{graphicx}
> \begin{document}
> Word.
> \includegraphics{fig.eps}
> Another word.
> \end{document}
> Run (python fig.py; latex test.tex; dvips test.dvi). When I do this the result
> is missing several glyphs from "Hello, world!" I could guess that dvips is
> failing to determine that fig.eps uses any glyphs, but I'm just uneducatedly
> speculating.
> I've discovered that can avoid the problem (not sure how this works) by using
> PyX to output as a PDF rather than EPS, then running pdf2eps. dvips doesn't
> seem to have a problem with that, then. That might suggest it has something to
> do with the format of EPS PyX produces. (I don't know if this suggests this is
> a PyX bug, though, as viewers such as Okular, Evince, and even GIMP display the
> file just fine.)

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