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Re: LuaTeX 1.0.0?

> OK, but if it's necessary to run mtxrun there, which rebuilds MkII,
> then surely it's necessary to rebuild MkIV?

The mtxrun does not rebuild MarkII format, but updates the 
COnteXt type ls-R file. Unfortunately Hans has decided to use
a different, lua-fied format for the ls-R information for context.
That is what the mtxrun does.

> > Some similar code has to go into
> > 	run_fmtutil()
> > to make sure that when formats are rebuild, also cont-en is rebuilt.
> Hmm, why?  /etc/texmf/fmt.d/20context.cnf has lines for rebuilding
> cont-en (MkII by the looks of things) using pdftex and xetex (but not,
> apparently, using mtxrun), but run_fmtutil() has nothing for building
> the context formats using mtxrun.


> Maybe this fmtutil cnf file should include the luatex MkIV version
> too?  And that might be sufficient, but maybe not, as MkIV is built

THere is no such definition - Hans again decided that he does not
cooperate with fmtutil, and uses his own format generation too,

mtxrun in Debian does only rebuild the context file name database
as we call mtxrun --generate which does:
mtxrun          | --generate             generate file database

All normal formats and COntext MarkII formats can be rebuild via
fmtutil.cnf (I added support for multi-engine-same-format-name
to fmtutil for that).

Mark IV formats are only rebuild when context are updated, and that
needs fixing when luatex is updated.

Hope that clarifies a few things

All the best


PREINING Norbert                               http://www.preining.info
Accelia Inc.     +    JAIST     +    TeX Live     +    Debian Developer
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