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Bug#665947: texlive-base: ucf mess with paper sizes

On Di, 27 Mär 2012, Frank Küster wrote:
> In the first version of the libpaper code, texconfig was patched to use
> ucf for pdftexconfig.tex, config.ps, XDvi and dvipdfmx.cfg. 
> When we switched to TL 2011/12, I got the impression that, due to the
> new default to read "configuration" files everywhere, we wouldn't need

No no no ... only *all* updmap.cfg files and all the texmf.cnf (AFAIR) are 
read, but for the others it is still the same approach as before, first
coming wins.

> _and_install_ those files below /etc/texmf any more.  I understood that
> they would only be created locally when calling tl-paper.

Yes, that is the case, tl-paper would create files in TEXMFSYSCONFIG
as far as I remember.

> However, they are still installed by ucf, giving rise to spurious
> warnings (I got a whitespace change) and probably more problems.

Ouch, so we should have removed them from the old dirs on upgrade?

> I also think that when those files are generated by tl-paper, they
> should _only_ contain papersize settings and nothing else, to make it
> manageable.  Or in fact we need to use ucf in tl-paper, which would mean
> to patch the Perl modules in /usr/share/texlive/tlpkg/TeXLive/.

Ouch, even worse. 
- pdftexconfig.tex can be patched to load another file, easy
- dvipdfmx.cfg I *BELIEVE* can include other config files, but
  I am not sure
- config.ps: her I am unsure, I don´t think that we can fix that easily
- XDvi: not possible as far as I see

How do we do?

Best wishes

Norbert Preining            preining@{jaist.ac.jp, logic.at, debian.org}
JAIST, Japan                                 TeX Live & Debian Developer
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CLUN (n.)
A leg which has gone to sleep and has to be hauled around after you.
			--- Douglas Adams, The Meaning of Liff

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