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Re: TEXLIVE 2011 PACKAGING: help with texlive-bin wanted

Hi everyone,

(are you all on the list? If yes, let us drop the To:)

Thanks for the help!!!

On Fr, 03 Feb 2012, Youhei SASAKI wrote:
>   http://www.gfd-dennou.org/member/uwabami/software/TeXLive/texlive-bin_2011.20120202-0.1.dsc

Thanks. But I am wondering *how* you build the package, because in
the rules file there is something strange:
	        dh_instal --sourcedir=$(CURDIR)/debian/tmp
Mind the *single* 'l' in dh_instal(l)! I fixed it.

One question we have to decide:
Currently (2009) we ship /usr/share/texmf and /usr/share/texmf-texlive
where the texmf-texlive serves as TEXMFDIST

In the preliminary package we ship /usr/share/texmf-dist instead

advantage: replaces are going to be much simpler ;-)
disadvantage: we change the name of this dir

What do you think is better?

> As you mentioned, there are many lintian warnings. 

See below, I will explain some things:

I have committed the stuff to
	debian tex svn
There is another file

I used texlive2012 out of many reasons:
- I want to make a clean start and keep packaging simple so that others
  can contribute. I want to get rid of *most* of the luggage
  we have from former years. And also rewrite some of the scripts 
  we used till now
- I plan to be as close to 2012 a possible with this packaging, meaning
  I wan tto include uptex and the stuff that is in tlptexlive, plus
  the multi-updmap already now, so that we don't have to redo
  everything the hard way in 2012.
- I want to keep my previous work for 2011 around for comparison

Next steps, if you want, are also quite easy:
- take a look at texlive2011/trunk/texlive-bin/debian/patches
  and see what can/should be moved. Now the "can" part is easy, the
  "should" part is difficult.
  in the texlive2011 patches/series file I have already checked most
  patches and added comments, but that needs to be improved.

Concerning updmap versus multi-updmap we have two options:
Either keep what we have now as is, but we have to adapt the
debianize patch to the perl variant
Or include immediatel multi-updmap and change the way map files are handled

The former is only a bit work now, but still adapting the debianizing to
updmap has to be done.
The later is a bit more work, but is necessary anyway for 2012.

Assumin we go for the later my ideas are:
  . every tree ships its own updmap.cfg
  . installation of new packages only add a snippet to
    these snippets were formely in /etc/texmf/updmap.d (which goes away!)
    on installation from these snippets the respective
    texmf-dist/web2c/updmap.cfg or texmf/web2c/updmap.cfg is recreated.
    That's all. Admins can disable/override map files in 
    /etc/texmf/web2c/updmap.cfg by adding entries there, simple.
  . we might need only very small changes to multi-updmap.pl so that
    if it is called as updmap-sys by root it alwas uses 
    TEXMFSYSVAR = /etc/texmf for saving changes.

fmtutil.cnf, hyphenation remains the same as before.

Other things that might be worth looking at: Concerning the other
packages build, the PACKAAGING-IDEAS keeps some of m planned pricedure:
- first the orig.tar.gz is build with the script create-orig-dirs
  (that works already). It reads from source-packages the splitting,
  and simply copies all the .tar.xz from a tlnet archive to <pk>/archvie
  plus adds tlpkg/TeXLIve and tlpkg/texlive.tlpdb
- next we copy what is needed for the debian dir, plus the source-packages
Normal build (buildd time):
- the debian dir can contain additional .tar.xz
- it also patches additional tlpobj into the tlpkg/texlive.tlpdb if shipped
- copy these into archive
- read all names of .tar.xz (without .source and .doc) from the files
  in the directory archive
- for each of these packages:
  . read the tlpobj from the tlpdb (additional tlpobj have been patched in!)
  . unpack the container(s) (source/doc) into the subdir according to
    relocated bit set and according to the package name
  . collect map/format/hyphenation patterns as before
  . create license from tlpdb
  . ignore doc files linking to /usr/share/doc/packages/... and mention only
    that one should use texdoc or look into /usr/share/texmf-dist/doc/...
  . (think about it) what todo with info files

I think that should do it.

I want to get rid of:
- moving files around
- blacklisting etc, better updating to TeX Live upstream which fixes
  these things when we ask
- complications of tpm2deb.cfg

Well, I have to go to work now ... maybe tonight I find more time to
work on the second part, the normal package build

Best wishes

Norbert Preining            preining@{jaist.ac.jp, logic.at, debian.org}
JAIST, Japan                                 TeX Live & Debian Developer
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The most deformed potato in any given collection of potatoes.
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