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Bug#482915: texlive-doc-en: No license info for some fontinst documentation


Frank Küster scripsit (02.07.2008 20:45)
> I thought that there is an automatic way of updating texmf trees from
> CTAN?  Don't your scripts check whether anything has been uploaded to
> CTAN:/tex-archive/fonts/utilities/fontinst/doc?  And if they to, how do
> you exclude the talks directory?  And if they do not - there are some
> automatic updates, aren't there - why is this part not covered?
Well, nothing is really automatic in the CTAN -> TL process.  There are
scripts that make the process semi-automated, namely one checks for CTAN
updates and then another one is manually called to convert the trees from ctan
form to tds form.  Perhaps the most interesting script for you is ctan2tds,
which sometimes has messages like "die "skipping, nosell'", thought is is not
really intended to be readable.

However some things are sometimes updated completely manually, for various
reasons, such as last update was long before the current mechanism began, or
it takes more time to write the relevant script that to do it manually, or
whatever.  Looks like the talks subdir of fontinst is in this case: if I would
update fontinst now using the scripts, it would no be removed.  (By the way,
this is a problem, since it means info has been lost about why this directory
 was previously excluded.)

Hope this answers your question: in general as well as this particular case,
there's no way to be sure what is excluded from the ctan -> tl process (or
changed in this process) and why, but in many cases the ctan2tds is your best
chance if you manage to read it.


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