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Bug#437797: Unable to install texlive-base-bin 2007-12, and texlive-base 2007-10 fmtutil-sys failed

Hi Chris,

On Die, 14 Aug 2007, chrisg wrote:
> I am unable to install texlive-base-bin on my debian system.

I saw your response ONLY on the web page but didn't get an email,

Anyway, your problem is obviously a problem which should be solved with
upgrading to texlive-base 2007-11 and texlive-base-bin 2007-13, both are
already included in Debian sid. As soon as they hit testing it will be

You can fix your problem NOW by manually copying the modes.mf.dpkg-new to

The problem is the following:
- you had tetex-base installed
- you switched to texlive when upgrading to sid/testing
- you purged tetex-base, and it's postrm 'cleans up' a bit too much
- texlive-base ships and restores the deleted conf file modes.mf, but ..
- first texlive-base-bin's postinst is run, which calls fmtutil-sys --all
  which breaks because of the missing modes.mf, so ...
- the postinst of texlive-base is never run.

So as I said, you have two options:
- wait for texlive-base-bin -13 and texlive-base -11 hitting testing, or
- copy modes.mf.dpkg-new to modes.mf (and the same with other missing

I hope that this will fix your system.

Best wishes


Dr. Norbert Preining <preining@logic.at>        Vienna University of Technology
Debian Developer <preining@debian.org>                         Debian TeX Group
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(Of offended pooves.) To exit huffily from a boutique.
			--- Douglas Adams, The Meaning of Liff

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