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Re: Build-Dependencies of latex-cjk-japanese-wadalab

Danai SAE-HAN (é??é??è??) <danai.sae-han@edpnet.be> wrote:

> Thanks.  So in other words, all the other packages should be -Indep,
> since I don't use dh_clean to delete my build/ directory (but rm -rf
> build/)?

Is it something new? Because in latex-cjk-japanese-wadalab 0.20050817, I

,----[ debian/rules ]
| clean: clean1 unpatch
| clean1:
| 	dh_testdir
| 	dh_testroot
| 	rm -f build-stamp
| 	# Add here commands to clean up after the build process.
| #	-$(MAKE) clean
| 	rm -rf build
| 	dh_clean

Therefore, you *do* use dh_clean in your clean target. So, debhelper has
to be in B-D as opposed to B-D-I.

> Now it is:
> Build-Depends: debhelper (>=5.0.0), dpatch (>=2.0.14)
> Build-Depends-Indep: t1utils, tex-common (>=0.19), texlive-base-bin | tetex-bin (>= 3.0), texlive-font-utils | tetex-bin (>= 3.0), perl-base (>=5.8.0)

As far as B-D versus B-D-I is concerned, this looks correct.

But you should use 'debhelper (>= 5)' because 5.0.0 is over-precise, and
in particular doesn't allow things like debhelper version
5.0.0~sarge.frougon.0 to be accepted, which is wrong. This is because:

  5.0.0~sarge.frougon.0 >= 5


  5.0.0~sarge.frougon.0 << 5.0.0

Besides, you should always put a space after ">=" for readability. And
since you use debhelper, you should have "${misc:Depends}" in the
Depends line of every binary package, even if it causes a stupid warning
by dpkg-gencontrol (this is recommended practice by debhelper's author,
Joey Hess).

As for the B-D versus B-D-I thing, I suggest you read the thread
starting at:


and in particular this message, which is referenced in the thread:




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