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Re: What are the correct (font) dependencies for div-to-X converters?

Danai SAE-HAN (韓達耐) <danai.sae-han@edpnet.be> wrote:

> If someone uses dvi2ps, s/he will have to know for himself how the TeX
> file was processed, and what fonts were used.  These could be
> Morisawa, ptex-jisfonts, etc.  We can't know for sure.  They could
> even use locally installed fonts that are not packaged for Debian, or
> come under a different font name (e.g. differences between Linux
> distro's).

Thank you, Danai.

> So if you have to depend on fonts, I would suggest to depend only on
> the package that includes "dvips", i.e. either texlive-base-bin or
> tetex-bin.  I think that in this regard, dvi2ps (and dvipng) should be
> treated the same way as dvips.
> You might add something in the package description clarifying that DVI
> conversion tools also need to have the same fonts as the original
> author used.  That's all one can do, IMHO.

Well, I'm not going to do anything of the above.  It's just that I found
that dvi2ps and dvipng depend only on tetex-base, and thus don't
guarantee that the infrastructure for finding fonts is there: Instead of
"foo not found" you'll get "mktexpk: No such file or directory".  That's
a RC bug IMO, and I wanted to suggest a sane alternative.  I guess it's

Regards, Frank
Dr. Frank Küster
Single Molecule Spectroscopy, Protein Folding @ Inst. f. Biochemie, Univ. Zürich
Debian Developer (teTeX/TeXLive)

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