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Re: What are the correct (font) dependencies for div-to-X converters?


Frank Küster <frank@debian.org> wrote:

> What if someone wants to use dvi2ps to process (japanese) dvi files
> created on a different system?  They would need the font
> finding/creation infrastructure from texlive-base-bin, but not the stuff
> for creation of dvi files, nor the standard TeX fonts.

Good point.

> Yes, but in this case the dependency is pointless, because for creating
> the dvi files the admin will install something like the texlive meta
> package, anyway.

I'd say the right set of dependencies is whatever provides the external
programs called by the program question, i.e. ttf2pk and such tools. As
for the fonts, they are really unpredictable data that depends on the
particular documents the user wants to process.

You can suggest some fonts such as CM in cases similar to dvips, and
maybe also suggest fonts with CJK support for packages that are mostly
used in these environments, if there are "standard" fonts such as CM for
these environments (maybe Danaï or Atsuhito can tell us).


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