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Re: TeXlive packages in Ubuntu

Hi Ming!

On Don, 21 Dez 2006, Ming Hua wrote:
> I don't know what happened to the password request mail either, but I
> contacted the Launchpad people, and the list address is associated with
> a team now:
>     https://launchpad.net/people/debian-tex-maint
> I've added you as an admin, so you should be able to add members (if

Thanks, If someone here on the list wants to get a bit involved, let me
know, otherwise I try to get the relevant bugs forwarded to us here.

> If you or the Debian TeX team need any help on the Ubuntu side, let me
> and the Ubuntu science list know.

Well, I need some help in Lauchpad working. I subscribed the
debian-tex-maint team to the bugs of texlive, and made a comment, but
the comment didn't make it to our mailing list.

Could it be that "nobody took ownership" of this account, ie that mails
are not sent to debian-tex-maint@lists.debian.org as long as this does
not happen? And then, how do I do this?

Sorry for the stupid questions, but I don't have any experience with

Best wishes


Dr. Norbert Preining <preining@logic.at>                    Università di Siena
Debian Developer <preining@debian.org>                         Debian TeX Group
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CLABBY (adj.)
A 'clabby' conversation is one stuck up by a commissionaire or
cleaning lady in order to avoid any further actual work. The opening
gambit is usually designed to provoke the maximum confusion, and
therefore the longest possible clabby conversation. It is vitally
important to learn the correct, or 'clixby' (q.v.), responses to a
clabby gambit, and not to get trapped by a 'ditherington' (q.v.). For
instance, if confronted with a clabby gambit such as 'Oh, mr Smith, I
didn't know you'd had your leg off', the ditherington response is 'I
haven't....' whereas the clixby is 'good.'
			--- Douglas Adams, The Meaning of Liff

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