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About the naming of working directories


This is rather unimportant matter, so if you're busy, don't bother
reading this mail now.

Whenever I regenerate patch-deb from tetex-bin and look at the output of
'svn diff', I grumble; "Ah, crap. I have to do it again..." because it's
full of stuff like that:

-Index: tetex-bin-3.0/configure
+Index: trunk/configure
---- tetex-bin-3.0.orig/configure       2006-10-14 20:26:57.000000000 +0200
-+++ tetex-bin-3.0/configure    2006-10-14 20:28:24.000000000 +0200
+--- trunk.orig/configure       2006-10-14 20:28:30.000000000 +0200
++++ trunk/configure    2006-10-14 20:38:18.000000000 +0200

So, I make a symlink from tetex-bin-3.0 to the trunk directory and
regenerate the patch, which allows me to get rid of a few of those
useless lines (but not all of them, because many of these lines contain
a date which changes when regenerating the patch).

>From that, I infer that Frank is working in a layout where the trunk
directory for tetex-bin is actually named tetex-bin-3.0, right?

Personally, I have:

  |-- lmodern
  |   `-- trunk
  |-- tetex-base
  |   `-- trunk
  |-- tetex-bin
  |   `-- trunk
  `-- tex-common
      `-- trunk

and I would have thought that rather natural, but it seems other
disagree. :)



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