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Re: SVN tex-common commit: r1492 - in tex-common/trunk/debian: . po

Frank Küster <frank@debian.org> wrote:

> Choice B:  No Emacs
>   svn commit -m "Your commit message" debian/po/cs.po

And if it's a long message, it's boring to type on the command-line, so
simply type:

  svn commit $file_or_directory

or even shorter:

  svn ci

The latter is OK if you want to commit *all* the modifications listed by
'svn status' (long form for 'svn st'). Then, svn will invoke your
favorite editor[1] to let you edit the commit message in a comfortable

PS: after a few months using the fsh method as described in the
    svn-buildpackage HOWTO (fsh creates and maintains in the background
    an ssh tunnel used by svn to talk to the server), I finally switched
    to the classic svn+ssh with ssh-agent to avoid typing the password
    every time.

    Avantage of the fsh method: only the first connection to the svn
    server takes time well everything works well (this is because of the
    SSH public key authentication). Every later operation is very fast
    because there is no need to do the SSH authentication again, since
    the SSH tunnel created by fsh is persistent.

    Disadvantage: it is unstable. Regularly, when using this method, the
    connection didn't work anymore and I had to kill fsh and therefore
    do another SSH authentication on the next svn command every time
    this happened.

    Conclusion: my advice, until fsh is fixed (if it is indeed the
    culprit, which seems likely to me), is to use svn+ssh in conjunction
    with ssh-agent.

  [1] 'editor-cmd' variable in ~/.subversion/config or, I suppose,
      $EDITOR as a fallback.


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