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Re: SVN tex-common commit: r1492 - in tex-common/trunk/debian: . po

Hilmar Preusse <hille42@web.de> wrote:

> AFAICT the latest Czech template hasn't been checked it yet.

I think I have done it, but I'm not sure.

> Would
> you be so kind to do it...or give me a short HOWTO. I'd do it then.

You have the tex-common/debian directory checked out with write access,
that is with svn+ssh..., correct?

Then there's not much to do:  copy the new po file to debian/po/cs.po,
you don't even need to change changelog, since Miroslav was the first to
send the template before the small change and is already in.  

So just check the changes in.  

Choice A: You are using Emacs 

  M-x svn-status RET path/to/directory RET

press `_' to hide unchanged files, move to the changed po file, press
`*' to mark it (or simply press `M *' to mark all modified files).
Press `c' ("commit"), edit the commit message, send the commit with C-c
C-c.  Oh well, on my system this only works if I have activated ssh key
authentication with ssh-add, because ssh-askpass invocation is broken on

Choice B:  No Emacs

  svn commit -m "Your commit message" debian/po/cs.po

Regards, Frank

Frank Küster
Single Molecule Spectroscopy, Protein Folding @ Inst. f. Biochemie, Univ. Zürich
Debian Developer (teTeX/TeXLive)

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