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Re: Problem with the "updmap scheme" when a font package is in an "inconsistent state"


Frank Küster <frank@debian.org> wrote:

> An alternative would be to rename the conffile, and document that.
> However, then we have the problem how to preserve local changes.

I don't like that, I think it is error-prone...

> Yet an other option, although probably quite complicated, could be to
> extend the syntax of /var/lib/tex-common/fontmap-cfg/*list, and not only
> list the files to be included, but also the lines that can be in there.
> This would include all map files installed by that version, so the user
> can still switch between monolithic and many-maps.  But if the conffile
> lists files that are not installed currently, the conffile would be
> ignored. 

I agree, this is more complex (update-updmap would have to parse the
files in /e/t/updmap.d), but I think it would work.

> This would mean to restrict the options of the local admin, and force
> him to use local conffiles for real local additions.  While this means
> "less freedom", it might actually be a good thing.  Or not; I'm unsure.

Well, I don't think it matters much. What matters more IMHO is:
  - more complex than the .dpkg-new check;
  - cannot be easily extended to update-language and update-fmtutil.

So, while your idea is interesting, my preference still goes to the
.dpkg-new check.

Thanks for your comments.


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