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Various questions concerning TeX live

Hi all!

One week away and you make me sweat when I see what has been going on ...

Ok here my questions/comments:

* mktexnam
	I have already applied the patch to the next generation of
	packages. Ralf, if you hack something with tempfile, please sent
	it to me. So we can go on with the rest.

* maintainer of texlive and lists
	Now that we have the new debian-tex-maint list, are there any
	objections when I change the maintainer of the TeX live packages
	to the debian-tex-maint list? After this I could kill the
	pkg-texlive project at all ...

* TeX live upstream changes tpm games
	I collected what was discussed, here is a list:
	* fpl/mathpazo
	move fpl from fonts-extra to fonts-recommended
	move mathpazo from math-extra to latex-recommended

	Reason: PSNFSS ask for these fonts

	* charter
	move charter from fonts-extra to fonts-recommended

	Reason: PSNFSS mentions it

	* rsfs
	move rsfs from fonts-extra to fonts-recommended

	* (HA-prosper)/beamer/powerdot
	(old) prosper is in latex-recommended
	beamer and powerdot in latex-extra


	* jurabib/juramisc
	move jurabib from lang-de to latex-extra
	move juramisc from latex-extra to lang-de

	Reason: juramisc is specific to German law, while jurabib is
	used in humanities and literature, too.

	* pdfcprot/microtype
	(old) pdfcprot in pdfetex
	(new) microtype in latex-extra

	* publishers
	move from latex-extra to publishers

	Reason: the name?

	* collection-chemistry
	merge other scientific packages (units, scipaper, textopo,...)
	into a new latex-science

	* Remove collection-pdfetex and move all the files into latex-base?

	Do we have any other suggestions ATM? I guess I can implement
	this upstream after checking back with the texlive List, and 
	implement it also for the next Debian packages.

If I missed something important in this week which isn't listed here,
please remind me!!!

Best wishes


Dr. Norbert Preining <preining AT logic DOT at>             Università di Siena
gpg DSA: 0x09C5B094      fp: 14DF 2E6C 0307 BE6D AD76  A9C0 D2BF 4AA3 09C5 B094
Measure of distance (equal to approximately seven eighths of a mile),
defined as the closest distance at which sheep remain picturesque.
			--- Douglas Adams, The Meaning of Liff

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