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Bug#368411: tex-common keeps asking the question about group on each upgrade

Norbert Preining <preining@logic.at> wrote:

> On Mon, 22 Mai 2006, Frank Küster wrote:
>> > on each upgrade of the tex-common package, i'm being asked the same
>> > question over and over again: "Group that should own the TeX font cache"?
>> > It seems that the answer is not properly remembered by the configuration.
>> I've noticed that, too.  I thought I had properly catered for the
>> renaming:
>> # The groupname question has been split up, but it need not be shown again
>> db_fget tex-common/groupname seen || true
>> if [ "$RET" = true ]; then
>>  db_fset tex-common/groupname_single seen true || true
>>  db_fset tex-common/groupname_multi seen true || true
>> fi
>> db_unregister tex-common/groupname || true
> Although we should check here for groupname_singe and _multi, too, 

Why should we?  There's no point in setting the seen flag of a message
to its current setting, is there?  We don't set any seen flag to false,
nowhere, do we?

> We should check before whether this question has been seen or not...
> So it should be
> while true; do
>       db_fget tex-common/groupname_$groupname_variant seen || true
>       if [ "$RET" = false ] ; then
>         db_input $cache_debconf_priority tex-common/groupname_$groupname_variant || true
>         db_go || true
>       fi

I guess I'm just blind (frustrated by my measurements going wrong
today...), but:  How should that have effect?  If the question is
already seen, it won't be shown again anyway.  

However, I have some other questions to think about:

- will there ever be a wrong  entry in groupname, i.e. a non-existent
  group, from earlier invocations of the script?  I guess no, but for
  upgraders we cannot be sure.  Does that need special treatment? 

- If the answer given the first time is a non-existent group, the loop
  is executed once more.  However, I expected that the question would
  not be shown again, except when dpkg-reconfigure is used. 

  However, this is not the case:  The question is shown over and over
  again, during a fresh installation, until I enter a new value.

Anyway, if it turns out that Ralf's idea can be implemented without side
effects, dropping the whole stuff completely would be much nicer.

Regards, Frank
Frank Küster
Single Molecule Spectroscopy, Protein Folding @ Inst. f. Biochemie, Univ. Zürich
Debian Developer (teTeX)

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