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Bug#225833: Letter vs A4 again

Frank Küster <frank@kuesterei.ch> writes:

> Greg Stark <gsstark@mit.edu> wrote:
> > Sure you can, in fact you already do have such a thing. It's not an error not
> > to specify margin sizes in your document, there is a default specified in the
> > class files. If the sysadmin felt like it he could go and edit those defaults.
> No he cannot - the license forbids this.  If he wants to change a
> standard class to produce a different layout, he has to rename it [1].
> And there's a reason for that.

Only if he wants to redistribute it. Or do you claim that copyright law
reserves the right to make private modifications that nobody ever sees? That
would be unenforceable even if it were true (and I don't believe it's true in
any jurisdiction).

It's also a way out on the lunatic fringe but then that's another discussion
entirely. Not for today.

> > Of course people are unlikely to want to edit those files, but they sure do
> > want to their default paper size set appropriately.
> To me it seems that only people who don't know how to easily specifiy
> papersize specials would want that.

I'll note that even after this entire discussion, reading FAQs and bug reports
for days, I still don't know how to do that.


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