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splitting fonts in two packages


I am turning to the tetex maintainers with a fonts issue that
involves X11 as well, simply because y'all seem to know most about
fonts in general.

I am faced with the creation of a pair of packages for a font
family. Clients should be able to install the fonts without excess
dependencies, but fonts should be selectively available for X11 and

I've given this some thought:

  1. provide the fonts in the x11 package and have the latex package
     depend on the x11 package. This is not an option because an
     xfonts package needs xutils, which pulls in a lot of X11, so if
     only LaTeX support is wanted, X11 stuff has to be installed.

  2. provide the fonts in the latex package and make the x11 package
     depend on it.

  3. provide the fonts in a -base package and make the latex and x11
     packages depend on it.

(3) is cleaner than (2), but both suffer from a problem I cannot
solve: if the fonts are installed to /usr/share/fonts, fontconfig
sees them alright.

For X support, I use an approach similar to the one taken by
mk-tex-fontpack (from SVN): I am linking to /usr/share/fonts from
under /usr/share/fonts/X11, then using dh_installxfonts. However,
when I install the package, X does not see the fonts (xlsfonts). Since
/usr/share/fonts is in the latex package, the links in the temporary
debian build directory (debian/xfonts-myfont/) are dangling. So
I suspect (but may be wrong) that the reason is that
dh_installxfonts sees only dangling links and hence decides that it
has nothing to do. Short of a hack that copies the files in place
for the dh_installxfonts run, then deletes them again, what can
I do?

Please do not send copies of list mail to me; I read the list!
 .''`.     martin f. krafft <madduck@debian.org>
: :'  :    proud Debian developer and author: http://debiansystem.info
`. `'`
  `-  Debian - when you have better things to do than fixing a system
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 theologie, kultus, sakrament;
 kurz, alles das, was jesus von nazareth bekämpft hatte..."
                                                 - friedrich nietzsche

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