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Re: SVN tetex-base commit: r1297 - tetex-base/branches/new-splitting/debian

Ralf Stubner <stubner-guest@costa.debian.org> wrote:

> * add metrics and font files for LW35 fonts

I've already worked on that, but not yet committed anything.  I'll tell
you the reason, maybe you can help us out:

As you might have noticed, I've been working on the license stuff and
the install stuff in parallel, but there's a problem with the tpm files
for the base35 fonts.  On texlive, they contain many files that are not
on CTAN, and in teTeX at least some.  So I don't know what their
licenses are, and at least in the texlive case I don't know whether they
are needed at all.

This has been discussed a little on the TeXLive list (Subject: TeXlive
infrastructure), and I've asked Walter about it and sent him one file
for review.

Before doing anything (both on the "license side" and on the "splitting
side"), I'd decided to clear up this issue.  But I haven't found any
time yet.

Regards, Frank
Frank Küster
Single Molecule Spectroscopy, Protein Folding @ Inst. f. Biochemie, Univ. Zürich
Debian Developer (teTeX)

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