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Bug#365583: Font problem

Frank Küster <frank@debian.org> wrote:

> Uh, it does *not* happen, I just checked it.  I know that


>> at runtime in the cache directories. If a recursive change was needed,
>> that would rule out the possibility of using dpkg-statoverride, because
>> I suppose it can only be used for files registered in the dpkg database.
> Yes, but it would also only be needed for them - for the others there's
> no possibility of dpkg overriding user's changes.

I see. You fear that dpkg resets the owner/perms for the files it
manages. But AFAIK, that has never been reported, right? *If* someone
reports such a problem, OK, adding the 2nd mechanism using
dpkg-statoverride would be sensible. But otherwise, do you really need
to bother?...


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