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Bug#365583: Font problem

Frank Küster <frank@debian.org> wrote:

[ about dpkg-statoverride ]

>>>From the manpage, I have the impression that it is intended to be run by
>> users, not really by Debian package maintainer scripts. 
> Hm, well - if the maintainer script asked the user, isn't it the user
> who runs it?

Hmm, yes, I think you can put it this way.

> The problem with the current setup is that (I think) dpkg will override
> the debconf-changed setting for tfm, pk and source with the permissions
> in the deb, but the dialog will not be shown again.

When does it happen? On upgrade? That would be an annoying bug (a teTeX
one, not dpkg).

There is one thing I'm not sure, though: when you change the permissions
(in the current setup), do you do it recursively? I hope it is not
necessary, since many files and directories are automatically generated
at runtime in the cache directories. If a recursive change was needed,
that would rule out the possibility of using dpkg-statoverride, because
I suppose it can only be used for files registered in the dpkg database.



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