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Re: License Zeug

On 10.04.06 Frank Küster (frank@kuesterei.ch) wrote:
> Norbert Preining <preining@logic.at> wrote:


> > - wie werden die license Listen für tetex erstelt?
> > - Kann ich das auch für texlive Pakete machen?
> How are the license lists for tetex generated?  Can I do this also
> for texlive?
> There's hardly a difference betweeen tetex and texlive, and I have
> already tried to work on both.  It goes like this - a package is
> defined by "one tpm file", or "one catalogue entry":
> 0. Install tpm2licenses and Tpm.pm from tex-common/scripts into
>    /usr/local/tex-common (or install tex-common_0.20.1, untested).
Dump question: is that tpm2licenses script documented anywhere? Would
it make sense to add a small readme?

strategy, n.:
	A comprehensive plan of inaction.

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