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Bug#360612: seminar package bug corrections files are out of date

Package: tetex-extra
Version: 3.0-17
Tags: Patch


trying to use slides following the instructions at
http://astronomy.sussex.ac.uk/~eddie/soft/tutorial.html, I noticed that
the seminar.bg2 file is out of date on debian, the seminar.bg3 file is
missing. I attach them here for reference. Thanks for including them.



%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% -*- Mode: Latex -*- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%% seminar.bg2 --- Corrections for compatibility problems and new bugs
%%                 found in the Seminar package, and few new additions
%%                 to help overlays management for PDF output files.
%%                 (see also the seminar.bug file in Seminar distribution)
%%                 Disclaimer: this file is mine and doesn't engage TVZ!
%% Note: insert it after \usepackage{graphicx} if you use `graphicx'
%%       and after \usepackage{longtable} if you use `longtable'
%% Author          : Denis GIROU (CNRS/IDRIS - France) <Denis.Girou@idris.fr>
%% Created the     : 1995
%% Last mod. by    : Denis GIROU (CNRS/IDRIS - France) <Denis.Girou@idris.fr>
%% Last mod. the   : Fri May 31 20:19:22 2002

\def\FileDate{May 31, 2002}
\typeout{seminar.bg2: various corrections for the Seminar document class^^J%
         added since seminar.bug and few add-ons for overlays^^J%
         (Version \FileVersion\space of <\FileDate> (D.G.))}


% 1 - To correct a bug in the note environment
%     (reported by Denis Girou (CNRS/IDRIS) <Denis.Girou@idris.fr> - 1995)

% 2 - To correct several bugs to generate a list of slides with subsection
%     entries
%     (reported by Denis Girou (CNRS/IDRIS) <Denis.Girou@idris.fr> - Jul. 18, 1995)
%   - To clear the subheading when a new heading is defined
%     (reported by Axel Thimm - <thimm@physik.fu-berlin.de> - June 5, 1997)
%   - To assure coherence between heading and subheading when used
%     in header/footer, for article mode
%     (reported by Axel Thimm - <thimm@physik.fu-berlin.de> - June 5, 1997)
%   - Improvements (\refstepcounter and \@addtoreset) by Jeremy Gibbons
%     <jgibbons@brookes.ac.uk> - Sep. 30, 1997

% Used by the \slide@subheading macro but undefined

% D.G. modification begin - Oct. 15, 1997
%  \stepcounter{slidesection}%
% D.G. modification end
% D.G. modification begin - May 30, 1997
%  \gdef\theslideheading{#1}%
% D.G. modification end
    {\edef\@currentlabel{\csname p@slidesection\endcsname\theslidesection}%
% D.G. modification begin - May 30, 1997
% D.G. modification end
% D.G. modification begin - Aug. 1, 1997
% D.G. modification end

% D.G. modification begin - Oct. 15, 1997
%  \stepcounter{slidesection}%
% D.G. modification end
% D.G. modification begin - May 30, 1997
%  \gdef\theslidesubheading{#1}%
% D.G. modification end
    {\edef\@currentlabel{\csname p@slidesubsection\endcsname
% D.G. modification begin - Jul. 18, 1995
%      \theslidesubsection}\makeslideheading{#2}}%
% D.G. modification end
% D.G. modification begin - May 30, 1997
% D.G. modification end

% 3 - To correct a bug in the \slidecontents macro
%     (reported by Denis Roegel (LORIA) <Denis.Roegel@loria.fr> - Sep. 22, 1996)

\long\def\@gobblethree #1#2#3{}

% Modification Denis Roegel begin - Sep. 22, 1996
%    \slide@cline{\slidenumberline{$\bullet$}{##2}}{##3}}%
%  \let\l@subslide\@gobbletwo
% Modification Denis Roegel end

% 4 - To solve incompatibility between the `graphicx' package and Seminar.
%     The \espfslidesize Seminar macro work only with the old version of
%     the `epsfig' package, so with \includegraphics the PostScript files are
%     always scaled without the possibility to leave them to there natural
%     size. And also these files are not correctly scaled when we switch
%     from normal to article mode under Seminar. So, we must redefined the
%     \epsfslidesize macro of Seminar and modify few internal macros of
%     `graphicx'.
%     (Note: I consider only the `graphicX' package, not the 'graphicS' one)
%     (reported by Karl Tombre  (LORIA) <Karl.Tombre@loria.fr> and
%                  Denis Roegel (LORIA) <Denis.Roegel@loria.fr> - Jan. 16, 1997)

\else                           % Graphicx package detected
% D.G. modification begin - May 16, 1997
% D.G. modification end
% D.G. modification begin - Feb. 19, 1997
% D.G. modification end

% D.G. modification begin - Feb. 19, 1997
% D.G. modification end

% 5 - To solve incompatibily between the LongTable package and Seminar
%     (reported by Bhaskar Manda (UIUC) <bhaskar@or4.me.uiuc.edu> - May 7, 1997)
%   - Problem in article format seen later
%     (reported by Axel Thimm <thimm@physik.fu-berlin.de> - June 5, 1997)

% From seminar.cls
\def\slide@outputLT{% (from \slide@output)
      \ifnum\@landscapeonly>-1 \os@test\fi
      \ifnum\@landscapeonly<1 \os@test\fi
% D.G. modification begin - May 13, 1997
%    \@@makeslide
% D.G. modification end
\def\@@makeslideLT{% (from \@@makeslide)
    \vbox to\slide@vsize{%
% D.G. modification begin - May 13, 1997
% D.G. modification end
    \ifcenterslides\vskip\z@ plus .0001fil \fi
    \vskip\z@ plus .0001fil}%

% From LongTable
  \ifnum\outputpenalty <-\@Mi
    \ifnum\outputpenalty > -\LT@end@pen
      \LT@err{floats and marginpars not allowed in a longtable}\@ehc
      \ifdim \ht\LT@lastfoot>\ht\LT@foot
% D.G. modification begin - May 13, 1997
%          \@outputpage
% D.G. modification end
% D.G. modification begin - May 13, 1997
%    \@outputpage
%    \global\vsize\@colroom % Work for slides, but not for notes...
% D.G. modification end

% We must adjust \textheight. Sometimes, you must increase it a little by
% something like \addtolength{\textheight}{5mm}
% But if you use slides like \begin{slide*}[15cm,10cm]
% you must define locally \textheight=15cm

% 6 - To allow automatic changes of language dependent labels,
%     for instance by loading the `french' package after Seminar
%     (suggested by Bernard Gaulle (IDRIS) <gaulle@idris.fr> - Nov. 20, 1997)
% D.G. modification begin - Nov. 20, 1997
% From seminar.cls
\def\slidelabel{\bf\slidename{} \theslide}
% From slidesec.sty
\def\listslidename{List of Slides}%
% D.G. modification end

% 7 - There were several problems when doing a global change of color
%     outside the "slide"environment (using the \color{ColorName} macro
%     of the `color' package) if this change was not done globally
%     (that is to say before the "\begin{document}") but inside the document,
%     for a part of the slides.
%     These problems can be seen specially for screen presentations,
%     when we want to use a dark background, so a light foreground color
%     for the text.
%     First, the header (defining for instance with the `fancyhdr' package)
%     changed of color one slide later and was restored one slide later too
%     if the change of the color was mas inside a group for some slides,
%     and second, the black color was forced by the footer.
%     We solve the first problem by usage of the same technique than the one
%     used by Seminar for global changes based on \special macros and made
%     before the "\begin{document}". We save the \specials in the
%     \saved@specials box and insert it at the beginning of the \@slidebox box
%     with the \insert@specials macro, as for the first slide.
%     And we solve the second problem by suppression of the command in the
%     hook which force the black color (defined in the `semcolor' package).
%     (reported by Denis Girou (CNRS/IDRIS) <Denis.Girou@idris.fr> - 1999-2002)

% Built from \save@srlidespecials (for all slides excepted the first one)

% The first slide is already managed, so we will define \save@slidespecials@i
% started to the second one only...

% D.G. modification begin - Mar. 28, 2002
%    \global\let\insert@specials\relax}
% D.G. modification end


% D.G. modification begin - 1999
% \addto@hook\after@slidepage{\pstVerb{0 setgray}}
% D.G. modification end

% 7 - To vertically correctly center the footer, if defined
%     (this is mainly visible when using the `fancyhdr' package, and specially
%     when a footer rule line is defined)
%     (reported by Denis Girou (CNRS/IDRIS) - <Denis.Girou@idris.fr> - April 1998)

% 8 - Add-on to allow "full screen" backgrounds.
%     Seminar originally support only partial backgrounds, which doesn't cover
%     the full page but only the place of the text. It cannot be easily
%     modified, as there are dependancies between the header and the text.
%     So, we choose to define new macros \SeminarNewSlideFrameBackground
%     and \SeminarSlideFrameBackground to manage the full screen backgrounds,
%     designed on the model of the \newslideframe and \slideframe ones.
%     (added by Denis Girou (CNRS/IDRIS) <Denis.Girou@idris.fr> - Jun. 30, 1999)

% D.G. modification begin - Jun. 30, 1999
% D.G. modification end

      \hoffset=-\inverseslidesmag in
      \voffset=-\inverseslidesmag in
      % \oddsidemargin, \evensidemargin, \headheight, \footheight
      % used for scratch:
      % Some page styles like to know \textwidth:
        \divide\oddsidemargin 2
      \setbox\@slidebox=\hbox to \@tempdima{%
% D.G. modification begin - Jun. 30, 1999
% D.G. modification end
        \vbox to\@tempdimb{%
          \vbox to\headheight{%
              \hbox to\textwidth{\@oddhead}}%
          \hbox to\textwidth{\hss\box\@slidebox\hss}%
          \vbox to\footheight{%
% D.G. modification begin - May 15, 1998
% D.G. modification end
              \hbox to\textwidth{\@oddfoot}}%
% D.G. modification begin - Jun. 24, 1999
% D.G. modification end

% D.G. modification begin - Jun. 30, 1999
% D.G. modification end

% D.G. modification begin - Jun. 30, 1999
% Built according \newslideframe, \slideframe, etc.


        {\@seminarerr{Background slide frame `#3' undefined}\@eha}%
  \expandafter\let\expandafter\@tempa\csname the#1FrameBackground\endcsname
    \noexpand\def\expandafter\noexpand\csname the#1FrameBackground\endcsname}%


% 9 - For screen presentations, and specially animated graphics,
%     we need more than 10 overlays. We increase the limit to 676 (26^2).
%     (added by Denis Girou (CNRS/IDRIS) <Denis.Girou@idris.fr> - Dec.  5, 2001)

% D.G. modification end
% D.G. modification begin - Dec.  5, 2001
%     \ifnum\@tempcnta>-1 \ifnum\@tempcnta<10 \@testtrue\fi\fi
    \ifnum\@tempcnta>-2 \ifnum\@tempcnta<677 \@testtrue\fi\fi
% D.G. modification end
        \advance\c@slide by -1
        \advance\c@overlay by -1
% D.G. modification begin - Dec.  5, 2001
%       \@seminarerr{\string\overlay\space argument must be
%         an integer between 0 and 9}\@eha
      \@seminarerr{\string\overlay\space argument must be
        an integer between 0 and 676}\@eha
% D.G. modification end
    \@seminarerr{\string\overlay\space can only be used
      in slide environments}\@eha

% D.G. modification begin - Dec.  5, 2001
%     \@whilenum\c@overlay<10
% D.G. modification end
        \advance\c@overlay by 1}%

% D.G. modification begin - Dec.  5, 2001
% \def\theoverlay{\theslide-\alph{overlay}}
  \divide\@tempcnta by 26
  \multiply\@tempcnta by 26
  \divide\@tempcnta by 26
% D.G. modification end

% 10 - Addition for management of cumulative and progressive overlays.
%      Due to PSTricks, Seminar had since the beginning the required
%      capabilities to manage overlays in various ways. The only thing
%      to do is to redefine the PSTricks \pst@initoverlay macro in the
%      relevant way.
%      (added by Denis Girou (CNRS/IDRIS) <Denis.Girou@idris.fr> - 1999-2001)

% From `semcolor'
% D.G. modification begin - Dec.  5, 2001
%     \pst@Verb{(0) BOL}%
    \pst@Verb{0 BOL}%
% D.G. modification end
% D.G. modification begin - Dec.  5, 2001
%     \pst@Verb{(all) BOL}}}
    \pst@Verb{-1 BOL}}}
% D.G. modification end

% D.G. modification begin - Feb. 15, 2002
% We must redefine too the /BeginOL macro form pstricks.pro, as "all" is now -1
% \def\pst@initoverlay#1{\pst@Verb{\tx@InitOL /TheOL (#1) def}}
/BeginOL {%
  dup -1 eq exch TheOL eq or
    {IfVisible not
      {Visible /IfVisible true def}
      {Invisible /IfVisible false def}
  ifelse} def
/TheOL #1 def}}
% D.G. modification end

% D.G. modification begin - Dec.  5, 2001
% \pst@Verb{(#1) BOL}%
\pst@Verb{#1 BOL}%
% D.G. modification end
% D.G. modification begin - Dec.  5, 2001
% \pst@Verb{(\curr@overlay) BOL}}
\pst@Verb{\curr@overlay\space BOL}}
% D.G. modification end

% Cumulative overlays
% °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°

% Cumulative overlays, to force to print all preceding ones
/BeginOL {%
  dup -1 eq exch TheOL le or
    {IfVisible not
      {Visible /IfVisible true def}
      {Invisible /IfVisible false def}
  ifelse} def
/TheOL ##1 def}}}

% Alternative method for same goal (needed when PSTricks nodes are used)
/BeginOL {%
  dup -1 eq exch TheOL le or
    {IfVisible not
      {Visible /IfVisible true def}
      {Invisible /IfVisible false def}
  ifelse} def
/Visible {initclip} def
/Invisible {CP newpath OLUnit itransform moveto clip newpath moveto} def
/TheOL ##1 def}}}

% Progressive overlays
% °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°

% Progressive overlays (at step i, only overlays 0 and i are shown)
/BeginOL {%
  /NumOL ED
  NumOL -1 eq NumOL 0 eq NumOL TheOL eq or or
    {IfVisible not
      {Visible /IfVisible true def}
      {Invisible /IfVisible false def}
  ifelse} def
/TheOL ##1 def}}}

% Alternative method for the same goal (needed when PSTricks nodes are used)
/BeginOL {%
  /NumOL ED
  NumOL -1 eq NumOL 0 eq NumOL TheOL eq or or
    {IfVisible not
      {Visible /IfVisible true def}
      {Invisible /IfVisible false def}
  ifelse} def
/Visible {initclip} def
/Invisible {CP newpath OLUnit itransform moveto clip newpath moveto} def
/TheOL ##1 def}}}

% Generation of the next overlay (minor add-on)
% °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°
% (it increment automatically the number of the current overlay)

% To force all items in the various list environments to appear
% in their own overlay (minor add-on)
% °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°


%% END seminar.bg2




Attachment: signature.asc
Description: Digital signature

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