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Re: [SPAM?]: Bug#348513: Segfault in Perl script

reassign 348513 perl-tk
severity important

Hilmar Preusse <hille42@web.de> wrote:

> On 19.01.06 Frank Küster (frank@debian.org) wrote:
> Hi all,
>> But the segfault should be investigated; I'm unsure whether I just
>> should reassign to perl - what do others think?
> Well, the perl package got recently a few bugs telling that it
> segfaults. Is at all clear, exactly where in the script the perl
> script segfaults?

At least it is reproducible, I had to set up my sid chroot in order to
allow to use the host machine's X display, and now I also get it.  It
seems to segfault in the following code:

sub fatalmsg {
    print STDERR $msg; # also print to stderr
# create frame for main window
    my $main=new MainWindow;
    $main->title("TeX Documentation Browser");
    $main->bind('<Control-q>'=>sub { exit });
    $main->bind('<Control-k>'=>sub { exit });
    my $msgframe=$main->Frame(-background=>"#ffcc99");
    my $cmdframe=$main->Frame;
# make buttons for command frame
    my $Qbut=$cmdframe->Button(-text=>'Kill',%butcol,
                               -command=>sub { exit })->pack(-fill=>'x');
# define common default font for labels and text explicitly
    my @deffont=$Qbut->configure(-font);
# ensure readability on high-res screens (suggested by R.Kotucha)
    $deffont='Helvetica -16 bold' if &x_resolution > 1200;

When I run texdoctk in the debugger, it proceeds up to that line, 

1631:	      open(XINF,"xwininfo -root|") or return 1200;
  DB<2> s
1693:	    $Qbut->configure(-font=>$deffont);
  DB<2> s

and then does nothing.

Regards, Frank
Frank Küster
Single Molecule Spectroscopy, Protein Folding @ Inst. f. Biochemie, Univ. Zürich
Debian Developer (teTeX)

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