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Re: dh_installtexfonts and dvips -P config.foo

'ello Norbert!

> On Die, 29 Nov 2005, Danai SAE-HAN wrote:
> > `config.foo' file in, let's say /usr/share/texmf/dvips/config/ with
> > 
> >   Map +foo.map
> > 
> > as its contents, so a command like `dvips -P foo' would work too?
> Can you try out the attached dh_installtexfonts if it is what you think
> is useful?

It works when updmap-sys has also registered the mapfile.  "dvips -P
bar" doesn't work anymore when it's commented in updmap.d/bar.cfg
after the installation.
  In other words: only at installation time will it behave correctly;
if you change anything in the .cfg files after installation, it won't
work as expected anymore.
  My idea was that even if bar.map isn't included in
updmap.d/package.cfg, the mapfile can still be used if you use the -P

> >From the pod2man:
>        dh_installtexfonts [debhelper options] [-n] [--priority=n]
>            [--flavor=flavor] [maptype=mapfile ...] [cfg-file[=n] ...]
> ...
>        --flavor=flavor
>            This option will be used to switch additional options on. At the
>            moment you can select for flavor either withconfig or withallcon-
>            fig.  In the first case for each activate map foo.map in this call
>            of dh_installtexfonts (i.e. either foo.map is occuring on the com-
>            mand line (way 2), or is active in one of the cfg files (way 1 and
>            3)) a file config.foo is generated in /usr/share/texmf/dvips/con-
>            fig/.
>            If you select withallconfig then the script tries to generate con-
>            fig files also for those map files which are present in cfg files,
>            but are deactivated by a comment.
> Is this clear?

For me it is very clear, yes.  But perhaps others will be a little
confused between =withconfig and =withallconfig.  Why not use
=withsomeconfig/=withallconfig or =configwithactivemaps/=configwithallmaps
instead of =withconfig and =withallconfig?

I would like to modify the manpage a bit.

            This option will be used to switch additional options on. At the
            moment you can use either `withconfig´ or `withallconfig´.
            `withconfig´ will create a config.bar file for each
            activated (id est uncommented) map in foo.map when
            dh_installtexfonts is called in either of the three ways
            as described ut supra.  These config.bar files will
            be installed in /usr/share/texmf/dvips/config/.
            If you select `withallconfig´ then the script will
            generate config.bar files for those map files which are
            present in cfg files, even if they are deactivated by a

	    The config.bar file is used when called by `dvips -P
	    bar´.  The map file doesn't even have to be included with

Is there a default option?  Or are both flavours extra options that
one can use?

Best regards




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