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Please test tetex-base_3.0

Hi all,

I have uploaded a work-in-progress version of tetex-base_3.0 to 

deb http://people.debian.org/~frank/teTeX-3.0 experimental main
deb-src http://people.debian.org/~frank/teTeX-3.0 experimental main

I would be oblidged if you could test whether the
tetex-base_3.0-0.4_all.deb gives the same strange error upon upgrading
from 2.0.2c-6 as it does on my system: Some conffiles in
/etc/texmf/{cyrplain,platex} are reported to be circular symlinks - and
they in fact are, on the filesystem. But they aren't in the deb, and I
wonder whether this is a bug in my deb, or whether I am triggering a
dpkg bug, and how.

Please report both if you do encounter this, and if you don't. If you
do, you can additionally try with 

  // Probably don't want to use force-downgrade..
  Options {"--debug=22";}

in /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/99debug

(on my system, this triggers a segfault in dpkg, more-or-less reported
as a dpkg bug, and making the debug options useless).

Note that you have to deinstall tetex-bin first (I did a purge), because
otherwise dpkg will first remove the old tetex-base, and you don't see
the problem.

Thanks in advance, Frank
Frank Küster
Inst. f. Biochemie der Univ. Zürich
Debian Developer

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