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Re: Changes to the Policy

Hi Frank!

On Fre, 25 Nov 2005, Frank Küster wrote:
> > +TEXMFDIST = /usr/share/texmf-{tetex;texlive}
> According to the kpathsea info page, the separator for brace expansion
> is the comma, not semicolon.

Hmm, I thought I read that you can use both, I will fix it.

> % TEXMFDIST is used for tetex and texlive.  If both are installed,
> % the first in the list wins; files only present in the second directory
> % are also found.


> I recall that we discussed this, but don't remember why we stopped to
> use the complete TEXMF list for TEXMFDBS.  I now see a disadvantage:

Because we don't want to have ls-R files /etc/texmf (which could be ro).

> mktexlsr now does no longer create (and worse, update) ls-R files in my
> homedirectory. 

Do you actually *want* ls-R files there? I always hated them, because
they are always out of date and I always forget to call mktexlsr. I
would say if one want ls-R files in HOME dirs, than he has to call
mktexlsr /home/foobar/texmf.

> Couldn't we work around this problem by setting a TEXMFDBS environment
> variable in maintainer scripts, when needed?

I would prefer to leave it like this, but we can add TEXMFHOME to the
TEXMFDBS list without the piece of adding TEXMFDBS env setting. It's ok
with me.

Best wishes


Dr. Norbert Preining <preining AT logic DOT at>             Università di Siena
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