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Re: Packaging "feynmf" LaTeX macros: some questions about new TeX policy

Thanks for your advice, Ralf.  I've made your suggested changes and
uploaded feynmf to the NEW queue.

(as an aside: good thing I thought to check the feynmf perl script for
tmpfile vulnerabilities before uploading.  sigh)

Ralf Stubner wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 17, 2005 at 15:29 -0500, Kevin B. McCarty wrote:

>>1) How to ensure it's compatible and installable with both TeX Live and
> TeX Live includes feynmf in texlive-metapost, so Norbert would have to
> remove feynmf from that package first. I don't know which TeX Live
> packages should be used as dependencies. Maybe texlive-latex and/or
> texlive-basicbin. Otherwise there should be no problems with
> compatibility.

Here I decided to just depend upon tetex-bin for now, and I'll revisit
this issue once TeX Live is in unstable.

Should I CC Norbert specifically about this [asking him to remove feynmf
from texlive-metapost], or will he notice it on this list?

best regards,

Kevin B. McCarty <kmccarty@princeton.edu>   Physics Department
WWW: http://www.princeton.edu/~kmccarty/    Princeton University
GPG: public key ID 4F83C751                 Princeton, NJ 08544

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