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Re: Bug#338587: tex-common fails to install

Eric Valette <eric.valette@free.fr> wrote:

> Frank Küster wrote:
>> - it was a problem with your local debconf installation, and it was in
>>   fact fixed by reinstalling it, although you first said it wasn't (how
>>   did you check?).  
> When you do "apt-get install --reinstall dialog debconf" and then
> apt-get -f install, whitout fixing the problem, I think I can say it did
> not change. I also tried to reconfigure debconf with "dpkg-reconfigure
> debconf" to put readline instead of dialog but this did not help either.

Okay, that's clear.

> OK. Do not waste your time any further, I have now a fully functionnal
> system and as you cannot reproduce this bug, I propose to close it. Use
> it as an hint if someone else comes with a similar problem.

I hope we'll remember it when we need it...

Frank Küster
Inst. f. Biochemie der Univ. Zürich
Debian Developer

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