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Re: Bug#338587: tex-common fails to install

Eric Valette <eric.valette@free.fr> wrote:

> Eric Valette wrote:
>> Joey Hess wrote:
>>>>>On Fre, 11 Nov 2005, Hilmar Preusse wrote:
>>>>>>>Setting up tex-common (0.10) ...
>>>>>>>debconf: Unable to load Debconf::Element::Dialog.
>>>I imagine that a strace -f of a run of dpkg-reconfigure or any other
>>>debconf command that reproduces the problem would show clearly what it
>>>Most likely is that the file has gone missing on the local system due to
>>>disk corruption, accidental deletion, or a screwed up local install of
>>>perl that's somehow not finding it.
>> Disks are clean. I reinstalled debconf, dialog. No change.
> I extracted the postinst script and run it manually. I have run "sh -x
> ./postinst configure" by hand, replaced by the maintainer version of I
> don't remember what and the bug is gone??? Black magic somewhere.

Sorry, I don't completely understand:  You don't know which package's
postinst you were running?  Or you do know this (which?) but don't
remember where you took the postinst from?

Thanks in advance,

Frank Küster
Inst. f. Biochemie der Univ. Zürich
Debian Developer

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