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Bug#337805: tetex-bin: dvips should include document's title in Postscript instead of DVI filename

Pierre THIERRY <nowhere.man@levallois.eu.org> wrote:

> Scribit Frank Küster dies 07/11/2005 hora 13:53:
>> This would really be nice, but there's a problem:  Currently this
>> information is not available in the dvi file.
> I was fearing that...
>> It isn't impossible, however, since a dvi file can contain "special"
>> commands
> Would it be a deep change, or a minor one, like just changing what the
> \title command outputs in some document classes? Or even a global
> package applicable to nearly every LaTeX class?

I don't know the class internals "by heart", but I would think that it's
not a big problem to do this.  Since \title has only a single argument,
it's probably as simple as

  % stuff needed for the DVIPS specials

> I think it would maybe still be feasible outside dvips, if really
> needed, as a filter that maybe reads something in the .aux file and
> alters the DVI file. Dunno if this is a viable alternative.

If you want to do it without altering dvips, you would have to alter the
PS file.  This isn't trivial, but it may be doable if you know

> I don't know wether I will have competence and time for this, but I'll
> take a look into dvips. Do I have to UTSL, or is there a documentation
> of the DVI format (as for everything in TeX, I think I can count on a
> complete doc, at least for the hacker...).

I don't know of any document dedicated to explain the dvi format, but if
you take tex.web (Knuth's original source file) either from the
tetex-bin sources (in texk/web2c) or from
you can run it through weave and tex and get a document with a chapter
called "Device-independent file format".  If you use pdftex, it even has
a Bookmarks pane on the left, so you can easily find it.  As for dvips
itself, I fear there's nothing but the source and the (sometimes
outdated) texinfo manual.

Regards, Frank
Frank Küster
Inst. f. Biochemie der Univ. Zürich
Debian Developer

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