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Bug#336713: tex-common: prompted about /etc/texmf/updmap.d/00updmap.cfg which I had not changed

On Fri, Nov 04, 2005 at 11:39:34AM +0100, Frank Küster wrote:
> Hamish Moffatt <hamish@debian.org> wrote:
> > noddy:/etc/texmf/updmap.d# md5sum 00up*
> > 3a0c2a5cab53cc6eaac66e88c3a53e24  00updmap.cfg
> > 1243f3d8063155dd807c1716fd281446  00updmap.cfg.dpkg-old
> >
> > The dpkg.log would suggest that I never had tex-common installed before.
> Yes, then tex-common was only pulled in by 3.0-10.  Can you send us
> 00updmap.cfg.dpkg-old?  The md5sum of this file is not yet registered,
> but I'd like to know what it contains and how it may have come about
> before blindly adding its md5sum to ucf's known-good list.

Sure. It's attached.

00updmap.cfg seems to be mode 0600, but it doesn't seem to contain
anything particularly private?

Hamish Moffatt VK3SB <hamish@debian.org> <hamish@cloud.net.au>
# dvipsPreferOutline
# Should dvips (by default) prefer bitmap fonts or outline fonts
# if both are available? Independend of this setting, outlines
# can be forced by putting "p psfonts_t1.map" into a config file
# that dvips reads. Bitmaps (for the fonts in question) can
# be forced by putting "p psfonts_pk.map" into a config file.
# We provide such config files which can be enabled via
# dvips -Poutline ... resp. dvips -Ppk ...
# Valid settings for dvipsPreferOutline are true / false:
dvipsPreferOutline true

# LW35
# Which fonts for the "Basic 35 Laserwriter Fonts" do you want to use and
# how are the filenames chosen? Valid settings:
#   URW:     URW fonts with "vendor" filenames (e.g. n019064l.pfb)
#   URWkb:   URW fonts with "berry" filenames (e.g. uhvbo8ac.pfb)
#   ADOBE:   Adobe fonts with "vendor" filenames (e.g. hvnbo___.pfb)
#   ADOBEkb: Adobe fonts with  "berry" filenames (e.g. phvbo8an.pfb)
LW35 URWkb

# dvipsDownloadBase35
# Should dvips (by default) download the standard 35 LaserWriter fonts
# with the document (then set dvipsDownloadBase35 true) or should these
# fonts be used from the ps interpreter / printer?
# Whatever the default is, the user can override it by specifying
# dvips -Pdownload35 ... resp. dvips -Pbuiltin35 ... to either download
# the LW35 fonts resp. use the build-in fonts.
# Valid settings are true / false:
dvipsDownloadBase35 false

# pdftexDownloadBase14
# Should pdftex download the base 14 pdf fonts? Since some configurations
# (ps / pdf tools / printers) use bad default fonts, it is safer to download
# the fonts. The pdf files will get bigger, though.
# Valid settings are true (download the fonts) or false (don't download
# the fonts). Adobe recomments to embed all fonts.
pdftexDownloadBase14 false

# dvipdfmDownloadBase14
# Should dvipdfm download the base 14 pdf fonts? Since some configurations
# (ps / pdf tools / printers) use bad default fonts, it is safer to download
# the fonts. The pdf files will get bigger, though.
# Valid settings are true (download the fonts) or false (don't download
# the fonts).
dvipdfmDownloadBase14 false

# Map files.
# There are two possible entries: Map and MixedMap. Both have one additional
# argument: the filename of the map file. MixedMap ("mixed" means that
# the font is available as bitmap and as outline) lines will not be used
# in the default map of dvips if dvipsPreferOutline is false. Inactive
# Map files should be marked by "#! " (without the quotes), not just #.

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