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Bug#337073: tex-common doesn't install (can't chmod ls-R file)

Hilmar Preusse <hille42@web.de> wrote:

> On 03.11.05 Frank Küster (frank@debian.org) wrote:
>> Hilmar Preusse <hille42@web.de> wrote:
> Hi,
>> > I can reproduce that bug. But only if I have configured debconf to
>> > ask me the low questions too and selecting var at the first question
>> > (BTW: Selecting cache is said to be the default, but it's not
>> > selected).
>> > When calling dpkg --pending --configure a second time the
>> > configuration succeeds. The file in question however still does not
>> > exist....
>> Can you describe exactly what you were doing,
> 1. dpkg-reconfigure debconf, tell him you want to see all questions.
> 2. dpkg -i tex-common (0.9), select the ls-R file in var.

Thank you, I can now reproduce it.

The error is plain to see, and I even found it yesterday.  Just that I
couldn't trigger it, and that confused me and stopped me from fixing it
and writing the closes into the changelog.

The strange thing is that it is so hard to reproduce.  It depends on the
precence of apt-utils, so it means it depends on whether the config
script is run on its own (before preinst), or is sourced from the
postinst script.  This must be investigated further, such a dependency
should not exist, even if the bug itself is fixed.

Regards, Frank
Frank Küster
Inst. f. Biochemie der Univ. Zürich
Debian Developer

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