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Re: Bug#336400: emacs-goodies-el: please add xdvi-search.el

Hi there.

On Nov 03 2005, Frank Küster wrote:
> Peter S Galbraith <psg@debian.org> wrote:
> > Thanks for joining the discussion Frank.
> While we're about joining, I'm sending this to Stefan Ulrich, the
> xdvik developer most interested in Debian.


> This discussion is about including xdvi-search.el in a Debian package,
> which is unclear.

I think that xdvi-search.el has nothing to do with AUCTeX and only with

Even if one doesn't know about the existence of AUCTeX, one may be
interested in using LaTeX documents with source specials and doing
forward/backward searches.

> > Now that's funny.  I'm not an AucTex power user at all.  I don't
> > tend to use the mode to run latex and bibtex on the file I edit (I
> > use it mainly for font-lock, not too surprisingly).

That's indeed an underuse of AUCTeX.

> > Now I see what I've been missing out on.

You should definitely check the manual. The pleasure of using (La)TeX is
immensely augmented by the proper use of AUCTeX and once you get used to
it, you'll never want to go back. Trust me.

BTW, I'd also recommend using it with RefTeX and with preview-latex, if
you have not used them yet.

> > So given that fact, should I:
> >
> >  or 2- Include it in emacs-goodies-el, but document in the Info file that
> >        this can also be done using auctex exclusively.
> > The second option might serve to advertise auctex to potential new
> > users, so I'd vote for that.

I'd vote for this one, without any questions. Perhaps a Suggests: auctex
would be a nice addition to the package.

> I'd also like to hear from the xdvik people what the file is meant for
> (Emacs' built in TeX mode?  Older AUCTeX versions?), and what they think
> about integration in AUCTeX/Emacs Goodies/Whatever.

I think that it can be used without any problems with Emacs's built-in
mode (even though I haven't tested that).

> ¹ did that work? there's no package "tetex"

It was added by Peter, but I followed suit and it didn't bound, at
least. :-)

Regards, Rogério Brito.

Rogério Brito : rbrito@ime.usp.br : http://www.ime.usp.br/~rbrito
Homepage of the algorithms package : http://algorithms.berlios.de
Homepage on freshmeat:  http://freshmeat.net/projects/algorithms/

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