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Re: dh_installtexfonts in tex-common, new usage


Norbert Preining <preining@logic.at> wrote:

> I have moved the stuff to tex-common/scripts, adjusted debian/rules and
> debian/control, and reworked the way dh_installtexfonts works. Here is


> . dh_installtexfonts normally installs with priority 10, but this can
>   be changed with --priority=n


> . dh_installtexfonts can take either config files and Map=foo.map and
>   MixedMap=bar.map as arguments. The config file *have to have* the .cfg
>   extension!
> Operation: There are three sources of .cfg files:
> 1) a debian/package.maps or debian/maps file is provided and installed
>    as $priority$package.cfg
> 2) filename.cfg files is provided on the cmd line, the are installed as
>    $priority$filename.cfg


> 3) maps can be specified on the cmd line with their type, they are
>    collected into one $priority$package.cfg file
> All these can be mixed.


> I have decided that I do *not* merge these files but create 
> 		10fontpack.cfg
> 		11fontpack.cfg
> 		12fontpack.cfg

But your manpage says "10package1.cfg and 10package2.cfg"...


> Furthermore, I have decided that I add the magic header and a comment to
> *ALL* files generated! Developers can create their .cfg files and write
> comments into it, but the header is added anyway.

Hmmm, at first I was against the addition of the header, to give the
Debian maintainer full control about what goes in his packages. Now, I
think the best thing to do would be:

    grep for the magic comment. If present, do nothing; if absent, add
    it at the top of the .cfg file, along with the warning & explaining

That way, developers still have full control, but unless they use this
possibility, the blurb can be changed centrally (typos, other
explanations, etc.) for all packages using dh_installtexfonts, which is

> Please comment on the current modus, is this ok for everyone?

To my taste, it offers too many possibilities to do the same thing. For
one, if I want to know what a package using dh_installtexfonts does,
looking at debian/rules isn't enough; I have to also check debian/maps
and all the package.maps files---this is a common complaint about
debhelper-using packages; personally, I tend to avoid these little files
when things can be expressed as clearly in debian/rules, unless they
bring a significant performance improvement (which is the case in
lmodern with dh_link IIRC); with the little files, running the debhelper
program (i.e., most times, Perl) only once is usually enough.

So, to my taste, handling only case 2 would be OK. OTOH, you can argue
that case 3 can actually reduce the number of "little files" in the
debian directory.

Case 2 could maybe handle:

  dh_installtexfonts --priority=10 foo.cfg --priority=12 bar.cfg ...

These things do exist, but are admittedly a bit weird. Or, as I had

  dh_installtexfonts 10foo.cfg 12bar.cfg ...

which has the disadvantage that if people don't read the Policy, we'll
get all sorts of numbers for the prefix. Hmmm.

> Finally someone should check the pod2man man page for stupid
> explanations and errors, and if we settle for this, someone should write
> up something for the TeX Policy.

For Policy, let's wait a little bit until things settle down. For your
man page, you justified the dependency on tex-common (>= 0.7) but not on
tex-common (>= 0.9)... And I think it should be polished only when
things have really settled down too.


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