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woody -> sarge

Hi all,

today I upgraded my woody system to Debian sarge and guess what:
During upgrading the teTeX packages I've got serious trouble.
The main reason was, that I've tailored somes file below
/etc/texmf/texmf.d to meet my needs and hence decided not to replace
them by the maintainers versions.
Firstly all formats failed to build cause a special hyphenation file
for the Czech language was missing (but mentioned in language.dat).
Later jadetex failed to configure as it was looking for latex.fmt,
which sits in VARTEXMF, which was not yet known in woody.

I already don't remember the details but I'm not really sure, if a
non-maintainer would have been able to handle these problems.

Just FYI.
   "Daddy, Daddy, make
    Santa Claus go away!"
		       "I can't, son;
			he's grown too
				     "HO HO HO!"
-- Duck's Breath Mystery Theatre

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