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Re: new cm-super and cm-super-x11

On Fri, Oct 07, 2005 at 14:54 +0200, Hilmar Preusse wrote:
> Suggests
>     This is used to declare that one package may be more useful with
>     one or more others. Using this field tells the packaging system
>     and the user that the listed packages are related to this one and
>     can perhaps enhance its usefulness, but that installing this one
>     without them is perfectly reasonable.
> The user could guess that pfb2t1c2pfb enhances cm-super, which is
> not really the case.

Maybe one could mention in the description for cm-super something like
"Installing the pfb2t1c2pfb package will speed up the installtion
process for cm-super." Then it should be clear in which sense
pfb2t1c2pfb is useful for cm-super.


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