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Re: SVN question

Richard Lewis <rtf@jabble.com> wrote:

> you dont need a working copy at all, you can act directly on a url.
> Multiple urls shold be supported with the --targets option:
> svn propset svn:keywords "Id URL" --targets filelist

Yes, that would have probably worked nicely (I say "probably" because
the doc for --targets in the svn book only mentions files, not URLs, and
I didn't tried it to be sure; but you seem to be very wise in the ways
of svn, so I am inclined to trust you ;-).

> using -N says 'just get the files in this directory', so your
> pkg-tetex/.svn/entries file had no entries for the directories
> tetex-base tetex-bin and tex-common.  When you ran a second checkout,
> you got 3 new independent working copies for these directories, but
> subversion did not update pkg-tetex's .svn/entries file.  Instead you
> should ave done svn up tetex-base/trunk (and similarly for the other
> trunk dirs you wanted) inside pkg-tetex, as this would tell subversion
> to update the current working copy, rather than create new working
> copies.

Excellent. Thank you very much for explaining. For the record, here is a
way to setup the working copy as I wanted (ommiting the output of the

  ~ % svn -N co svn+deb://svn.debian.org/svn/pkg-tetex

  [ svn+deb as configured in
    /usr/share/doc/svn-buildpackage/HOWTO.html/ch-start.html ]

  ~ % cd pkg-tetex
  ~/pkg-tetex % svn up -N tex-common
  ~/pkg-tetex % svn up tex-common/trunk
  ~/pkg-tetex % svn up -N tetex-bin
  ~/pkg-tetex % svn up tetex-bin/trunk
  ~/pkg-tetex % svn up -N tetex-base
  ~/pkg-tetex % svn up tetex-base/trunk

Now, if I modify two file properties, one under tetex-bin/ and one under
tex-common/, it behaves as expected:

  ~/pkg-tetex % svn st
   M     tetex-bin/trunk/debian/variables
   M     tex-common/trunk/debian/changelog

(of course, I won't commit these properties... this is just for testing)

Many thanks for your advice, Richard!


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