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Bug#273789: tetex-base: fmtutil.cnf not found

Thomas Heimroth <theimrot@gmx.de> schrieb:

> No frank!
> I answer back to you in english. I find one line in dpkg.log:
> + /usr/share/tetex-base/setup-ucf -base
> dpkg: Fehler beim Bearbeiten von tetex-base (--configure):
>  Unterprozess post-installation script gab den Fehlerwert 1 zurück
>   Fehler traten auf beim Bearbeiten von:
>     tetex-base
> Is that the output, what you mean? I have append the dpkg.log-file, where
> you can see that.

Yes, it is what I wanted to see (you tried it once again, yes?). But it
puzzles me. The last thing the postinst script does is call setup-ucf,
so it seems from this debug output that it is this script which
fails. But when you execute setup-ucf, all seems to go well.

Can you please do an additional debugging step? Open
/usr/share/tetex-base/setup-ucf in an editor, change the first line to

#!/bin/sh -ex

and add at the very end the line:

echo "Exitcode: $?"

Save it, and then run "dpkg --configure -a >dpkg-and-setupucf.log 2>&1",
and send us the resulting file dpkg-and-setupucf.log. And, just to be
sure, please also attach the postinst script on your system, namely

Thank you, Frank
Frank Küster, Biozentrum der Univ. Basel
Abt. Biophysikalische Chemie

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