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Re: [DRAFT]: The Debian TeX Policy


Frank Küster <frank@debian.org> wrote:

>>>      TEXMFMAIN, can place them into SITETEXMF.  The package must make sure
>>>      that the newer version is backward-compatible, that is: It must not
>>                                                                ^
>>                                                                i
> No capital after a colon?

Well, except if something like « George » followed the colon, but here,
I don't know why you would want to have one (ah, yeah, I see: there are
capitals everywhere in German ;-)).

>> Reminds me of something...
> Any reason why you did not yet change it? (I'm writing this offline, so
> I cannot follow your hint in postinst and read bug #213310).

Why do you say I didn't change it? I think the « Reminds me of
something » wasn't clear to you. It should be understood as « Oh, yes, I
know this paragraph is here because of my unfortunate
"updmap --outputdir". ». But the bug was fixed on the 3rd of September,
just before I raised the issue on this list.

> I think mktexlsr often has to be run twice, especially when updmap is
> involved (and we wanted to kick out update-updmap, anyway). But I don't
> know exactly in which cases, that is, in which cases it will search only
> the ls-R files, or also the disk. If you delete latex.efmt, mktexlsr,
> and regenerate it, it will be found by kpsewhich even before mktexlsr is
> run again.

Yes, there might be cases where you need to run it twice. For lmodern,
I'm relatively confident that it's correct as is (update-updmap, then
mktexlsr, then updmap) but there might be more complex cases.

> One more thing that should perhaps be added is a convention "what is a
> configuration file". Are map files for a particular font configuration
> files? 

I tend to think so, because you can use them to decide about the
subsetting and also to decide not to embed a font at all (perhaps this
can be useful if you have a process that generates a lot of small PDF
files, and you want to save some space---BTW, on a related note, thanks
to defoma, if you generate a PDF file with Latin Modern not embedded,
you can view it correctly with Debian's gs if lmodern is installed
because gs uses defoma to find the fonts).

But as we already said, such customizations are not very commonly
performed and can be done in /usr/local, so it is not terrible if the
map files are not under /etc anymore. The main problem, as I see it, is
that nothing tells you when a map file is updated in the Debian package
so that you can reflect the changes in your modified version under

> Thanks for your comments,

You're welcome.


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