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I am using Debian-Linux since a few months (converted from SuSE),
it's great!

I just noticed that my koma-script package has date 31-01-2003, 
this is very old.

I am using Debian-testing, last "apt-get update" and "apt-get 
dist-upgrade" was yesterday.

On an other computer in our institute with Debian-Unstable I 
found the same outdated version of koma-script.

Before I download a fresh koma-script from www.dante.de I want to 
ask if there is a good reason why Debian is using such an 
outdated package of koma-script.

I would be very grateful for a short reply.
Please send a copy to Salewski@PHYSnet.Uni-Hambirg.de
because I am not subscribed to this list.


Stefan Salewski

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