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Bug#178717: tetex-bin: pdftex/pdflatex fails to subset embedded CJK TrueType font

Chung-chieh Shan <ccshan@post.harvard.edu> wrote:

> On 2004-05-03T13:26:35+0200, Frank Küster wrote:
>> I have tried to test whether the new pdflatex that will be included in
>> the next tetex relase still shows this behavior. However, on my test
>> install it doesn't even use the TrueType fonts. Do you have any idea
>> what I need to configure?

Atsuhito, I hope you are more familiar with CJK stuff. Could you have a
look at this and decide whether it needs to be submitted to pdftex

I tried to reproduce it again; the results with the beta packages are in
my previous mail, but on my woody box with unstable's tetex packages I
simply get 

! Text line contains an invalid character.
l.7 ^^?

> In /etc/texmf/pdftex/pdftex.cfg I have the following line added:
>     map +arphic.map
> Perhaps this is the culprit? 

It might be involved. However, the map stuff should be done by the
tfm-arphic packages, not manually. And they should use the update-upmap

> I just tried running the latest unstable
> pdflatex on the same bug.tex file (tetex-bin package version 2.0.2-14),
> and got the same pdffonts output as in my original bug report.

So it seems it is really not fixed, and probably not even known, by the
pdftex developers. Or they know it, and it's just a symptom of some more
general problem that is not yet resolved.

Regards, Frank
Frank Küster, Biozentrum der Univ. Basel
Abt. Biophysikalische Chemie

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