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Bug#130755: tetex-{bin,base,extra} dependancy problem

Dear Davy,

two years ago you have made a bug report against the teTeX packages in
Debian. We apologize that we haven't answered to it. Right now we're
trying to work through old bugs, and came across yours.

You say that there were problems in xdvi and dvips without having recent
versions of gs and gsfonts installed. Can you still remember (or in the
best case, reproduce) these problems more specifically?

In particular, I am astonished that dvips had problems - it shouldn't
use gs at all, AFAIK. As for xdvi I am not so sure. But I wouldn't like
to include a dependency on some program without really knowing that this
solves the problems you had.

Note that a "Depends" is a very strict requirement, and is meant to be
used if the other package is required to "provide a significant amount
of functionality", according to policy. For sure producing dvi, ps and
pdf files is the most significant functionality of tetex-bin, not the
display - therefore it will get at most a "Recommends", unless some
really new things turn up with your particular case.

I would be very glad to hear from you, whether you are still interested
in that bug, and we should investigate it, or just close it.

Regards, Frank
Frank Küster, Biozentrum der Univ. Basel
Abt. Biophysikalische Chemie

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