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Bug#276173: Please add a list of associated packages


Hilmar Preusse <hille42@web.de> wrote:

> <quote src="F.K.">
> Packages I'm thinking of are
> - add-on (La)TeX packages like latex-beamer, tetex-{brev,...},
>   pdfscreen, texpower, abntex
> - Pre-processors like lilypond, fig2ps 
> - Post-processors like pdftk, dvidvi
> - Things for far-east (or african or whatever languages) like
>   dvipdfm-cjk | dvipdfmx, arabtex, 
> - Converters like latex2rtf
> - Things that help in editing, like auctex, preview-latex, bibtool,
>   bibview, chktex
> </quote>
> This list has to be completed and the short descriptions to be added.
> We could just take the short descriptions, which are delivered with
> the packages anyway.

Right. In the end, I think all this information really belongs to
debtags. I think the idea behind debtags is excellent, but I'm
disappointed to see it never becoming usable.

[ Also, I've been a bit annoyed since I've tagged all my packages twice
  with the rather unpractical web interface, that was the only one
  available at that time (AFAIK, it can be done with a GTK interface,
  now) and every time, it has all been thrown away (and every time, I
  had to "learn" the set of available tags to make the best
  classification possible since it changed between the first and the
  second time). :-/ ]

So, in the meantime, the solution you are proposing is probably the best


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