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Re: Bug or configuration error?

Lorraine Dully <ldully@ireland.com> schrieb:

> 	I did the usual "apt-get install tetex tetex-extra" to get all the AMS
> funkyness.

There is no package called "tetex". But just installing tetex-extra
should give you all you need. (Or rather, all teTex provides, minus the
documentation in tetex-doc). 

> lori@debian:~/College work/HASE report$ dvipdf prereport.dvi
> prereport.pdf
> dvips: Font cmr17 at 8000 not found; scaling 600 instead.
> dvips: Such scaling will generate extremely poor output.
> dvips: Font cmr12 at 8000 not found; scaling 600 instead.
> dvips: Font cmbx12 at 16587 not found; scaling 600 instead.
> dvips: Font cmbx10 at 8000 not found; scaling 600 instead.
> dvips: Font cmr10 at 8000 not found; scaling 600 instead.
> dvips: Font cmbx12 at 13827 not found; scaling 600 instead.
> dvips: Font cmbx12 at 9600 not found; scaling 600 instead.
> dvips: Font cmti10 at 8000 not found; scaling 600 instead.
> dvips: Font cmsy10 at 8000 not found; scaling 600 instead.
> dvips: Font cmbx12 at 8000 not found; scaling 600 instead.

This is a known bug, #184875. It is fixed upstream, and I wonder why we
didn't fix it in Debian. To fix it locally, add the following stanza to

% Reported by Silas Brown, 4 April 2003, via Debian bug 184875.
% {\tt dvips -Ppdf} wants 8000$\,$dpi fonts, so define a mode for that.
mode_def dpdfezzz =                 %\[ dvips -Ppdf (8000dpi)
  mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 2400);
  mode_param (blacker, 0);
  mode_param (fillin, 0);
  mode_param (o_correction, 1);

If you put it directly after the "mode_def dover =" stanza, separated by
empty lines before and aft, dpkg will keep quiet once you upgrade to our
fixed version.

> using pdflatex directly I seem to get a normal session.  Below is the
> output of the end of the pass regarding fonts.  Unfortunately the
> resulting fonts "don't look right (tm)" and "ff" or "fi" ligatures are
> replaced with a square box.

This seems to be a different problem, but I am not sure. Could you
provide a minimal example file that reproduces the error? And don't
hesitate to open a bug on this, maybe the automatically included
information gives some hints.

Regards, Frank
Frank Küster
Inst. f. Biochemie der Univ. Zürich
Debian Developer

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