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[DRAFT]: The Debian TeX Policy

Hi all,

in the last months the wish to have a Debian TeX Policy came up several
times. I have tried to put together a first draft for such a document,
and attach it below, hoping you will read and critize it.

In fact it didn't become a real policy document, it's more like the
Developers' Reference. However, some real policy decisions are in
there. I fear it's neither very short and concise nor really long enough
to allow breaking it up into a Policy part and a "Best practices" part.

I have written it in debiandoc-sgml, and attach the source code as a
file. Below comes the result of debiandoc2text; debiandoc2pdf on the
sgml file will give you a nice PDF file (well, nice, hm, lot's of
nearly-empty pages).

Regards, Frank


                         The Debian TeX sub-policy

                      Frank Küster <frank@debian.org>

    The Debian teTeX mailing List <debian-tetex-maint@lists.debian.org>

                          version 0.1, 2004-09-22



     This document provides a set of rules for the packaging of
     applications, fonts and input files related to TeX within the Debian
     GNU/Linux distribution.

Copyright Notice

     Copyright (C) 2004 Frank Küster

     This manual is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it
     under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
     Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
     later version.

     This is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but _without
     any warranty_; without even the implied warranty of merchantability or
     fitness for a particular purpose.  See the GNU General Public License
     for more details.

     A copy of the GNU General Public License is available as
     `/usr/doc/copyright/GPL' in the Debian GNU/Linux distribution or on
     the World Wide Web at The GNU General Public Licence
     (http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html).  You can also obtain it by
     writing to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite
     330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.



     1.        About this document

     2.        Terms and Definitions

     3.        File Placement
     3.1.      Generated files
     3.2.      Filenames and installation of alternative files

     4.        Configuration
     4.1.      Configuration update programs
     4.2.      Best practices remark for packages that `build-depend' on
               the TeX system:
     4.3.      Command execution, format files, and bug severity
     4.4.      The Dpkg Post-Invoke Mechanism


1. About this document

     The latest copy of this document can be found in the
     `Debian-TeX-policy' files in the `tetex-bin' package.


2. Terms and Definitions

     TeX-related package
          Any Debian package that uses or provides parts of the TeX
          infrastructure: The TeX or MetaFont program or derivatives
          thereof, fonts or input files in a TEXMF tree, etc.
     Basic TeX packages
          A Basic TeX package is a Debian package that provides the basic
          infrastructure for TeX-related programs.  Usually, the Basic TeX
          packages will be divided into an architecture-dependent and an
          architecture-indpendent package.
          The arch-dependent package must provide at least one binary that
          is fully compatible with Donald E.  Knuth's original TeX program,
          and it should provide the original TeX itself.  Furthermore it
          must provide the kpsewhich binary, and there must be a package
          providing the kpathsea library.  [1] The arch-independent package
          must provide at least the files necessary to create the formats
          for plain TeX and LaTeX and the input files required by the LaTeX
          distribution, as well as the Computer Modern fonts.
     TEXMF tree
          One directory tree, arranged according to the TeX Directory
          Structure, and searched by the kpathsea library, as implemented
          by the web2c distribution.  The latest version of the TDS is
          available at `http://www.tug.org/twg/tds/'.
     configuration update programs
          The configuration information from files below `/etc/texmf' has
          to be made available in appropriate form to the various
          TeX-related programs.  This is usually done by scripts that write
          files into a TEXMF tree (on Debian, the VARTEXMF tree).
          The Basic TeX packages define which scripts belong to the
          configuration update programs.  Currently, those are:
          `update-texmf', `update-fmtutil', `update-updmap', and `updmap'.

[1]  Unfortunately there is no clear, abstract specification for the
     kpathsea library and the kpse`*' executables Packages should ensure
     full compatibility with the current web2c implementation.


3. File Placement

     File locations must follow the TeX Directory Structure, TDS.  It is a
     bug if a package does only conform to an outdated TDS version.  It is
     a more severe bug, however, it it conforms to the current TDS version
     while the Basic TeX packages available or installed still do not
     support this version.

     Configuration files must be placed below `/etc/texmf', with symlinks
     pointing from the TDS locations to files or directories below

     The following `TEXMF' trees can be used by packages, as outlined
     below, and must be searched for by any implementation of TeX and the
     kpathsea library:

     1.   `/usr/share/texmf/', referenced as TEXMFMAIN

     2.   `/var/lib/texmf/', referenced as VARTEXMF

     3.   `/usr/share/texmf-site/', referenced as SITETEXMF

     4.   `/usr/local/share/texmf/', referenced as TEXMFLOCAL

     5.   `$HOME/texmf/', referenced as HOMETEXMF

          and optionally

     6.   `/usr/local/lib/texmf/', referenced as TEXMFOLDLOCAL

     The search order should be from bottom up (files in HOMETEXMF taking
     precedence over files in TEXMFMAIN), with the optional TEXMFOLDLOCAL
     after TEXMFLOCAL.

3.1. Generated files

     Generated font files must be put in subdirectories of
     `/var/cache/fonts', all other generated files should be below
     `/var/lib/texmf', with the subdirectory structure conforming to the
     TDS.  If necessary, symbolic links can point from static `TEXMF' trees
     to files below `/var/'.

3.2. Filenames and installation of alternative files

     Packages may not install files with the same name as a file already
     installed in a TEXMF tree, unless both files are in subdirectories
     where they will only be found by different applications, as
     determinded by the `--progname' switch to kpsewhich.

     As an exception to this rule, packages that need newer versions of a
     file than already supplied by an other package and installed in
     TEXMFMAIN, can place them into SITETEXMF.  The package must make sure
     that the newer version is backward-compatible, that is: It must not
     break compilation of any TeX document, and it should not change the
     output file.  A change of the output file may be acceptable if an
     obviously buggy behavior is corrected, and if it had previously not
     been possible to systematically fix this behavior.

     Installing more than two versions of a file will most likely lead to
     confusion.  Therefore, the possibility to shadow a file once using
     SITETEXMF should be enough, and the usage of `dpkg-divert' is

     It is also discouraged to use a file other than from the canonical
     source for that file, usually the CTAN network.


4. Configuration

4.1. Configuration update programs

     The central configuration file for TeX applications is
     `/etc/texmf/texmf.cnf', the central font configuration file is
     `/var/lib/texmf/web2c/updmap.cfg', and format generation is
     determinded by `/var/lib/texmf/web2c/fmtutil.cnf'.  All three files
     are generated by configuration update programs from configuration
     files in subdirectories of `/etc/texmf'.  For `updmap.cfg' and
     `fmtutil.cnf', this is the only method of configuration.  `texmf.cnf'
     can be edited manually by local system administrators, and changes
     will be handled by ucf.  Package installation scripts, however, should
     not change this file, but use the `update-texmf' mechanism.

     Maintainer scripts should call the configuration update programs
     without any options (excepct `-v') to allow for internal changes, e.g.
     of the directories where the generated files are placed.

     Packages are free to add configuration items to the common
     configuration files, but they may not try to override configuration
     items that are yet supplied by other packages.  Rather, shared
     configuration items must be supplied by the Basic TeX packages or any
     other package on which all involved packages depend, with a setting
     appropriate for all.

4.2. Best practices remark for packages that `build-depend' on the TeX

     If packages that build-depend on the TeX system need a changed
     configuration, they should not try to provide it statically.  Instead,
     they should use the configuration update programs with the
     `--outputdir' and `--add-file' options.  If settings in any other
     configuration file are inappropriate for a package to build, this is
     (usually) a bug in the package that provides the file.  It should be
     fixed in this package, not circumvented by a workaround in the build
     process.  Such workarounds have proven to be problematic, because they
     might stop working after changed in the depended-on package, and such
     failure cannot be foreseen by its maintainers.

4.3. Command execution, format files, and bug severity

     TeX-related executables should provide an interface that allows for
     non-interactive usage, and guarantee stability of this interface,
     including error handling.  If TeX formats need to be generated before
     execution, this must be done in the post-installation script.
     Packages that depend on an executable can thus simply declare
     `Depends:' on the package providing the executable, and _only_ do
     that.  Any additional checks, e.g.  for the existence of format files,
     is unnecessary and harmful, causing internal changes (e.g.  of format
     file extensions) to break depending packages.

     Format generation involves many configuration and input files.  In
     many cases format generation failed because of a bad local
     configuration, missing files or files added in local TEXMF trees, and
     consequently also the package post-installation script and
     configuration failed.  Therefore bug reports because of failed
     post-installation scripts have a severity of _important_ unless
        * the error occurs on a fresh install or
        * the error occurs upon upgrade, and it has been shown that the
          post-installation script would not have failed with the old
          version of the package,
     in which cases the severity would be _grave_.

4.4. The Dpkg Post-Invoke Mechanism

     To be done...

     Packages should be able to delay running of mktexlsr, updmap and
     perhaps even "fmtutil -all" until all TeX-related packages that want
     to do this are configured.  Thus, it is unnecessary to call the
     programs multiple times.  Coding this is easy, however it is unclear
     how it can be made sure that failures get attributed to the correct
     program (even updmap has recently been reported to fail).


     The Debian TeX sub-policy

     Frank Küster <frank@debian.org>
     The Debian teTeX mailing List <debian-tetex-maint@lists.debian.org>

     version 0.1, 2004-09-22

Frank Küster, Biozentrum der Univ. Basel
Abt. Biophysikalische Chemie

<!doctype debiandoc system [
<!-- include version information so we don't have to hard code it
     within the document -->
<!entity % versiondata SYSTEM "version.ent"> %versiondata;

      <title>The Debian TeX sub-policy</title>
	<name>Frank Küster</name>
	<name>The Debian teTeX mailing List</name>
      <version>version &version;, &date;</version>

        This document provides a set of rules for the packaging of
        applications, fonts and input files related to TeX within the
        Debian GNU/Linux distribution. <!-- This document -->
<!-- 	is part of the policy package for Debian. -->  </abstract>

	  Copyright &copy; 2004 Frank Küster
	  This manual is free software; you may redistribute it and/or
	  modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
	  as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
	  2, or (at your option) any later version.
	  This is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
	  <em>without any warranty</em>; without even the implied
	  warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular
	  purpose.  See the GNU General Public License for more
	  A copy of the GNU General Public License is available as
	  <file>/usr/doc/copyright/GPL</file> in the Debian GNU/Linux
	  distribution or on the World Wide Web at 
	  <url id="http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html";
	  name="The GNU General Public Licence">. You can also obtain it by writing to the
	  Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
	  Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.

    <toc detail="sect">
      <heading>About this document</heading>
	The latest copy of this document can be found in the
	<tt>Debian-TeX-policy</tt> files in the <package>tetex-bin</package>
	package.  <!-- They are also available from the Debian web mirrors -->
<!-- 	at <tt><url name="/doc/packaging-manuals/menu-policy/" -->
<!-- 	id="http://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/menu-policy/";></tt> -->
<!-- 	and from the Debian archive mirrors at <tt><url -->
<!-- 	name="/doc/package-developer/menu-policy.txt.gz" -->
<!-- 	id="http://ftp.debian.org/debian/doc/package-developer/menu-policy.txt.gz";></tt>. -->
<!-- 	This document has been extracted and separated from the -->
<!-- 	<em>Menu</em> package to:<enumlist> -->
<!-- 	  <item> -->
<!-- 	    <p>Increase the visibility of the Menu sub policy</p> -->
<!-- 	  </item> -->
<!-- 	  <item> -->
<!-- 	    <p> -->
<!-- 	      Reduce the coupling between policy and -->
<!-- 	      implementation. If this separation is not made, every -->
<!-- 	      time we want to change menu policy, we have to arrange -->
<!-- 	      to get the maintainer to release a new version of the -->
<!-- 	      package, even if the package has not otherwise -->
<!-- 	      changed. It also involves yet another layer, making the -->
<!-- 	      policy changes that much harder to implement.</p> -->
<!-- 	  </item> -->
<!-- 	</enumlist> -->
<!--       </p> -->
      <heading>Terms and Definitions</heading>
      <taglist compact="compact">
        <tag>TeX-related package</tag>
	  Any Debian package that uses or provides parts of the TeX
	  infrastructure: The TeX or MetaFont program or derivatives
	  thereof, fonts or input files in a TEXMF tree, etc.

        <tag>Basic TeX packages</tag> 
	  <p>A Basic TeX package is a Debian package that provides the
	  basic infrastructure for TeX-related programs. Usually, the
	  Basic TeX packages will be divided into an
	  architecture-dependent and an architecture-indpendent
	  <p>The arch-dependent package must provide at least
	  one binary that is fully compatible with Donald E. Knuth's
	  original TeX program, and it should provide the original TeX
	  itself. Furthermore it must provide the kpsewhich binary,
	  and there must be a package providing the kpathsea library.
	    Unfortunately there is no clear, abstract specification
	    for the kpathsea library and the kpse<tt>*</tt> executables
	    Packages should ensure full compatibility with the current
	    web2c implementation.
	  The arch-independent package must provide at least the files
	  necessary to create the formats for plain TeX and LaTeX and
	  the input files required by the LaTeX distribution, as
	  well as the Computer Modern fonts.</p>

	<tag>TEXMF tree</tag> 

	  One directory tree, arranged according to the TeX Directory
	  Structure, and searched by the kpathsea library, as
	  implemented by the web2c distribution. The latest version of
	  the TDS is available at <tt><url

	<tag>configuration update programs</tag>

	  The configuration information from files below
	  <file>/etc/texmf</file> has to be made available in appropriate
	  form to the various TeX-related programs. This is usually
	  done by scripts that write files into a TEXMF tree (on
	  Debian, the VARTEXMF tree).
	  The Basic TeX packages define which scripts belong to the
	  configuration update programs. Currently, those are:
	  <file>update-texmf</file>, <file>update-fmtutil</file>,
	  <file>update-updmap</file>, and <file>updmap</file>.

      <heading>File Placement</heading>
      File locations must follow the TeX Directory Structure, TDS.  It is a bug if a
      package does only conform to an outdated TDS version. It is a
      more severe bug, however, it it conforms to the current TDS
      version while the Basic TeX packages available or installed
      still do not support this version.
      Configuration files must be placed below <file>/etc/texmf</file>,
      with symlinks pointing from the TDS locations to files or
      directories below <file>/etc/texmf</file>.
      The following <tt>TEXMF</tt> trees can be used by packages, as
      outlined below, and must be searched for by any implementation
      of TeX and the kpathsea library:
        <item><file>/usr/share/texmf/</file>, referenced as TEXMFMAIN</item>
        <item><file>/var/lib/texmf/</file>, referenced as VARTEXMF</item>
        <item><file>/usr/share/texmf-site/</file>, referenced as SITETEXMF</item>
        <item><file>/usr/local/share/texmf/</file>, referenced as TEXMFLOCAL</item>
        <item><file>$HOME/texmf/</file>, referenced as HOMETEXMF
	<p>	and optionally</p>
        <item><file>/usr/local/lib/texmf/</file>, referenced as TEXMFOLDLOCAL</item>
        The search order should be from bottom up (files in HOMETEXMF
        taking precedence over files in TEXMFMAIN), with the optional
	<heading>Generated files</heading>
	Generated font files must be put in subdirectories of
	<file>/var/cache/fonts</file>, all other generated files should be
	below <file>/var/lib/texmf</file>, with the subdirectory structure
	conforming to the TDS. If necessary, symbolic links can point
	from static <tt>TEXMF</tt> trees to files below

	<heading>Filenames and installation of alternative files</heading>
	Packages may not install files with the same name as a file
	already installed in a TEXMF tree, unless both files are in
	subdirectories where they will only be found by different
	applications, as determinded by the <tt>--progname</tt> switch
	to kpsewhich. 
	As an exception to this rule, packages that need newer
	versions of a file than already supplied by an other package
	and installed in TEXMFMAIN, can place them into SITETEXMF. The
	package must make sure that the newer version is
	backward-compatible, that is: It must not break compilation of
	any TeX document, and it should not change the output file. A
	change of the output file may be acceptable if an obviously
	buggy behavior is corrected, and if it had previously not been
	possible to systematically fix this behavior.
	Installing more than two versions of a file will most likely
	lead to confusion. Therefore, the possibility to shadow a file
	once using SITETEXMF should be enough, and the usage of
	<prgn>dpkg-divert</prgn> is discouraged. 
	It is also discouraged to use a file other than from the
	canonical source for that file, usually the CTAN network. 

        <heading>Configuration update programs</heading>

	The central configuration file for TeX applications is
	<file>/etc/texmf/texmf.cnf</file>, the central font configuration
	file is <file>/var/lib/texmf/web2c/updmap.cfg</file>, and format
	generation is determinded by
	<file>/var/lib/texmf/web2c/fmtutil.cnf</file>. All three files are
	generated by configuration update programs from configuration
	files in subdirectories of <file>/etc/texmf</file>. For
	<file>updmap.cfg</file> and <file>fmtutil.cnf</file>, this is the only
	method of configuration. <file>texmf.cnf</file> can be edited
	manually by local system administrators, and changes will be
	handled by ucf. Package installation scripts, however, should
	not change this file, but use the <file>update-texmf</file>
	Maintainer scripts should call the configuration update
	programs without any options (excepct <tt>-v</tt>) to allow
	for internal changes, e.g. of the directories where the
	generated files are placed.
	Packages are free to add configuration items to the common
	configuration files, but they may not try to override
	configuration items that are yet supplied by other
	packages. Rather, shared configuration items must be supplied
	by the Basic TeX packages or any other package on which all
	involved packages depend, with a setting appropriate for all.

	<heading>Best practices remark for packages that
	<tt>build-depend</tt> on the TeX system:</heading>
	If packages that build-depend on the TeX system need a changed
	configuration, they should not try to provide it
	statically. Instead, they should use the configuration update
	programs with the <tt>--outputdir</tt> and <tt>--add-file</tt>
	options. If settings in any other configuration file are
	inappropriate for a package to build, this is (usually) a bug
	in the package that provides the file. It should be fixed in
	this package, not circumvented by a workaround in the build
	process. Such workarounds have proven to be problematic,
	because they might stop working after changed in the
	depended-on package, and such failure cannot be foreseen by
	its maintainers.
        <heading>Command execution, format files, and bug severity</heading>
	TeX-related executables should provide an interface that
	allows for non-interactive usage, and guarantee stability of
	this interface, including error handling. If TeX formats need
	to be generated before execution, this must be done in the
	post-installation script.  Packages that depend on an
	executable can thus simply declare <tt>Depends:</tt> on the
	package providing the executable, and <em>only</em> do
	that. Any additional checks, e.g. for the existence of format
	files, is unnecessary and harmful, causing internal changes
	(e.g. of format file extensions) to break depending packages.
	Format generation involves many configuration and input
	files. In many cases format generation failed because of a bad
	local configuration, missing files or files added in local
	TEXMF trees, and consequently also the package
	post-installation script and configuration failed. Therefore
	bug reports because of failed post-installation scripts have a
	severity of <em>important</em> unless
	<list compact>
	<item>the error occurs on a fresh install or</item>
	<item>the error occurs upon upgrade, and it has been shown
	that the post-installation script would not have failed with
	the old version of the package, </item>
	in which cases the severity would be <em>grave</em>.
        <heading>The Dpkg Post-Invoke Mechanism</heading>

	<p>To be done...</p>

	Packages should be able to delay running of mktexlsr, updmap
	and perhaps even "fmtutil -all" until all TeX-related packages
	that want to do this are configured. Thus, it is unnecessary
	to call the programs multiple times. Coding this is easy,
	however it is unclear how it can be made sure that failures
	get attributed to the correct program (even updmap has
	recently been reported to fail).


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